Everyday Sweethearts Chapter 1

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My alarm had endlessly chirped around 6:15 AM on a Monday morning.

I tried to reach around for my phone, stumbling around in the dark I finally found it.

I sighed when I realized it was Monday.

Not that I don't like Mondays, I just felt really lazy this morning. I slept in my parents' room so I had to be careful not to make a sound while exiting.

The door made a small screeching sound whilst being closed, but it wasn't too loud so it hadn't bothered my parents one bit.

I lived in an apartment complex which had a total of 4 apartments. The other tenants were pretty normal so not much happened. My name was Chad Skie. I was your normal teenager, excluding the smoking, drugs, and other irrelevant activities. I'm a Sophomore in high school with average grades.

Steadily creeping to our bathroom, I peeked into my own room where my brother decided to sleep last night. The room was messy as usual - well my side was. My brother, Jeffrey, was an unusual guy who was a neat freak.

Anyway, I blindly stepped through the hallway into our bathroom. Did the usual hygiene essentials and got out. Half-naked, I hurried into my room to grab some clothes for school.

"Chad, you ready?" My dad called from the living room.

"Yup!" I said while putting on my shoes.

I walked to our car and saw my dad, Paul, already in the driver's seat.

My high school was 15 minutes away from our place so I usually sleep in the car on the way there.

Fyers High School included 4 buildings. The hall, cafeteria, the classrooms, and the weight room. It also had a huge field, a basketball court, and a courtyard surrounded by three of the buildings.

The sound of my car stopping woke me from my nap. We were in the parking lot.

"Ya have lunch money?" My dad questioned.

"Only 50 cents." I replied

After handing me 2 dollars, I got out of the car and headed straight for one of the classroom's where friends of mine usually gather. It was my first day as a Sophomore but I still felt bored like usual.

"It's going to be a long day." I mumbled to myself.

I entered the classroom and instantly noticed all of the familiar faces from my Freshman year.

"What up faggot?" A guy said as he walked towards me with a grin plastered onto his face.

"Miss me?" I replied as I shot out a smile and a hot wink.

He laughed. His name was Jessie Baker. I met him back in elementary school and we've done a lot of crazy things together.

"How was your Summer?" He started.

"It wasn-" before I could finish, a high-pitched voice from behind me cut me off.

"It was really gay." I looked back to see my best friend - Bobby Luardo.

"Thats because you're gay." I continued with a smirk on my face.

He laughed and replied "Your mom." Like he always does.

Instantly we started talking about everything we had done lately. Second after second I'd meet another friend or classmate from my Freshman year and we'd catch up on things.

"Let's check out the new Freshman?" Bobby suggested.

"Sure." I replied. I was curious to see the new students at our school.

Bobby, Jessie, and a couple of other friends headed out of the classroom while I followed behind, still bored.

Bobby and Jessie started playfully teasing a couple of Freshman they knew while the others started conversations with the ones that they knew. I decided to sit down and watch.

"What a couple of retards." I said to myself with a crooked smile.

Since it was the first day of school, it took a while for the bell that started first period to ring for our "Welcoming" Assembly. The time was used for new students to get used to the campus and/or make friends.

I was feeling out of it that day but at some point I'd revert back to normal, which for me, wasn't exactly normal.

As our Principal gave us his "Welcoming" speech, a sense of energy just bitch-slapped me in the face. I got pretty hyped up now, my posture was no longer slumped and my face looking happy. After our Principal had ended his speech and excused us to look at our schedules, I noticed a girl at the corner of my eye.

There wasn't really anything special about her. She had black hair with a hint of brown in it. She was a bit shorter than me by a few inches. She was like any average girl.

And yet I found her interesting.

I headed straight to my first class which was Music. The teachers there are really cool so I was hoping we wouldn't do much work. When I walked into the classroom, I noticed that it contained both Freshmen and Sophomores. Looking confused I walked towards a friend of mine.

"What's going on here?" I questioned.

"The teachers thought it would be easier to teach both classes as one class" he replied.

I didn't think it was a bad idea, most of the Freshmen were quiet anyway. It was the beginning of the year so obviously they won't be opening up to anyone at this point.

Bobby and I had been talking about how we spent our Summer. While he was talking , I noticed the same girl sitting a few feet behind him. She seemed like she was having fun, unlike the other Freshman she was chatting with 3 other girls.

I honestly didn't know why I liked this girl. Every time I saw her I got mixed emotions. I stared at her with an admirable gaze, then her mouth curved into a smile.

..A smile that I fell in love with instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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Everyday Sweethearts Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now