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Our story starts with a girl her name not yet chosen, she is young but still kind she was found by a Gerlac, a horrible beast of this world.
People say that because of there power they care about nothing else, others beg to differ.
Some say they are kind, I am not one of those people. The Gerlac killed many people, even some children, they are monsters. Horrible evil monsters.
Anyway, on with the story. The girl had beautiful blue eyes, and flowing black hair. She was so sweet and kind, her adoptive mother was of Gerlac blood but she raised the child well. Years past and the girls 17th birthday
was soon.
The girl woke up that day very early to someone sitting on her bed. She heard a scream from down stairs and quickly the boy covered her mouth, he wasn't Gerlac but a human.
"We need to go now" he whispered
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" The girl grabbed his forearm and twisted it till his hand was red.
"Ow! What the f***!"
"I'm not leaving!"
"You need too."
The girl grabbed her backpack and put in some clothes a flannel a hoodie some jeans and some converse then she put in her phone and all her cash.
"Why do I need to leave? I'm safe here, and who was that yelling?"
"I'll explain later."
"No you'll explain now!"
"I can't!"
"Find a way!"
"Do you wanna die?!"
"What kind of question is that?!"
"A strait forward one!"
After back and forth arguing the boy heard pounding on the door, he grabbed the girl and jumped out of the window. He landed on his feet and hoped into a van. The girl bit him, and hard too, he started to bleed and the driver just laughed, she was a woman with long brown hair and dark green eyes. The boy had short grey hair and dark brown eyes. He also had a grey stripe on his wrist. Above it was a half moon. It was a pretty cool tattoo.
"Ow! Stop doing that!"
"So where are we going?"
"Head to the city, they'll lose us there."
The boy looked at her and smiled
"So what's your name?" The boy asked
"I...don't know..."
"You don't have one?"
"Then chose one"
"But what if my mothe-"
"She wouldn't be mad."
"Okay? How about Aris?"
"Okay Aris, im jake and the driver there that's Lilly."
"Hey there doll!"
"Where are you from doll?"
"Starlight city."
"Woah. Nice place."

Aris's pov

The drive was long. The van had a make shift bunk bed and a mattress on the floor. On the top bunk I saw a small girl, no more than 4, she was curled up with a small rag doll. I looked around and saw Lilly on the bottom bunk, I saw jake in the front seat.
I saw the little girl get down from the top bunk and sit down next to me, she was sweet and tiered I could tell but she just sat there.
"Hi...who are you?" The girl sounded sweet.
"I-I'm Aris..."
"Oh cool...I'm kitty."
"Hi kitty"
"Kitty don't bug her!"
"No, she's fine."
Kitty's eyes lit up. I could tell a lot of people hated when she talked a lot.
"Lilly's my big sister and jake is our friend."
"Cool, do you like games?"
"Do I!"
I hand her my phone and tell her to play whatever she wants, then I hop in the front seat.
"Wanna hear a joke?"
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"I don't know."
"To get to the pretty lady's house, knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"The chicken."
"Heh yea it's pretty lame."


Jakes pov

It's around midnight, Aris is cuddled up in a quilt that Lilly made still on the front seat. were still on the road but almost out of gas.
I look over to see Aris barely awake and looking at me
"What's up?"
"Pull over..."
"I'm gonna drive."
I see her out of the corner of my eye giving me a look. I pull over, she hopes out and I climb over into the passenger side. She hops in and try's to start the car but it won't start. She flops her head on the horn.
"Were out of gas..."
"I look ahead and see a truck heading towards us.
The girls instantly wake up and grab the bags. Then we all hop out just in time except Aris I see her struggle with the door and I run to her side. I open the door and run her over to the other side of the road just as the truck hits the van.

Kitty's pov

We see a large angry guy get out of the truck. He storms over to us and punches Jake.
"Jake!" I see Aris Neal down to make sure he's okay. After that she kicks the guy in the balls and slaps him. The guy runs back to his truck and drives away.
Aris looks back at Jake and notices something.
"What the f***"

Aris's pov

He's got a tail!! And wolf ears!?!
How did I just notice they all do!
Then everything goes black
I fainted...
When I wake up it's early maybe 8:30 but I'm tied to a tree next to a sleeping Jake. He's hot when he's asleep. I mean umm... he snores a lot?
Nope no saving me now.
I reach over and grab his hand noticing that kitty and Lilly are gone, I look around realize that they took both bags.
I hear Jake groan from I assume pain in his face.
"What happened?"
"Well you got punched were tied to a tree and kitty and Lilly stole everything including your shirt and my hair tie."
"Wait what?!"
" they took my hair tie?"
"No I'm shirtless!!"
"Ugh! Just cover your eyes Aris!"
"Okay buts not gonna make a difference. I've already see your six pack."
"Just do it!"
"Okay okay. But your still hot shirtless..."
"Hmm...what was that last part?"
"Okay fine," he thought for a second
"How are we gonna get out of this?"
"No idea..."
This was gonna take a while so why not pass the time by day dreaming.
"Your hot too..."
I could feel my face turn red, I know I just met this guy but still...
He just sat there. What was he thinking?
"You know what! Screw it!" If he yelled any louder my ears would be bleeding .
Just then his nose turned into a snout and feet and hands paws. His grey hair became fur and it covered his body. He broke the rope and jumped forward, his dark brown eyes now a sparkling gold. Slowly he approached me and he sat next to me as I tried to process everything that's happened today. Yea so today's been interesting.
"Jake...can you turn back?"
He nodded and started to turn back.
Even his ears and tail disappeared.
"Thank you..."
"for wha-"
"Not running away from me when I turned..."
"I didn't run because I wasn't scared..."
He looked over at the van on the almost abandoned road. Every few minutes a car would drive by.
"My stuffs in there, lets grab my cash and get some gas..."
He just nodded and stared at my eyes... he's so sweet. We walked to the van and climbed in. I tried to start it and it started but wouldn't move. So I hoped into the back and looked in my bag. Everything was still there, I looked over at Jake who was looking around for his shirt and shoes.
"What's this?" He found something under Lilly's bunk, it was a box. He opened it. It was a bunch of clothes, coats, shoes, even a bob Marley shirt. Calmed.
"Why did they have all this?"
"Does it matter? We've got clothes!"
He sounded so happy.
"Can you get out so I can change?"
"Seriously? Fine stay."
"Okay fine...wait what?!"
He instantly turned bright red. It was adorable how he thought I was serious.
"I'm kidding..."
"OH! Um, I knew that.."

Jakes pov

After five minutes she stepped out of the van, she was wearing a pretty floral dress and a pair of grey heels, I assume she went through the box under Lilly's old bunk.
I helped her down so she didn't trip.
"You look nice."
Her cheeks turned pink..."t-thanks."
I hoped into the van and threw on the bob Marley shirt that Aris claimed earlier, it was a little to small but Lilly took my only other shirt so this would have to do.
I stepped out of the van.
"Everything okay?"
"I can see your six pack through the shirt..."
"Can we just go get the gas?"
"Yea yea, but first I wanna do something."
"What n-"

Aris's pov

He pulled me into the van and hid me under the bunk where we found the clothes, I could hear a knock on the back door.
"Hello how can I help you?"
"You seen this girl?"
"No sorry."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes sir."
"Okay good day."
I heard a yelp and the sound of duck tape then I heard foot steps then I heard a car driving away. I was nervous so I stayed put for a moment after they left. I heard the front door open.
"Jake!" I climbed out from under the bunk heels in hand. I was sure to be cautious of the windows.
"What was-....Lilly?"
"Hello doll."

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