Chapter thirteen

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Kai :

"I will grant you one wish Malachai, if you don't take it you will suffer in hell for the rest of your life"

"Well I wish to be back with Damon and the others and not to ever die or come back to this forsaken place"

"Well I guess your cheating death in one wish"

"Pretty much" I smirked

"Welp they warned me about you but so be it"

I felt the magic leave my body and I started to fall back into reality.

1 Hour ago while Kai was still speaking with death**

Damon rushed back to the Salvatore boarding house.

"Where is he"

"He's on the couch Damon we're sorry"

"He can't be dead, he just can't"

As Damon started to cry and he pumped Kai chest and gave him cpr the best of his ability.

But nothing seemed to happened.

So he bit into his vain and put his blood in Kai's mouth to swallow.

But still nothing.


"Yes, damon"

"Bring him back please"

"Damon I can't"

"Why not"

"Because I would have felt the magic he was holding but I don't feel any coursing through his body"

"I'll try a simple spell but it might not do any good"

"Anything will help bon bon"

Some of the others was crying not cause of Kai but because they never seen Damon so heartbroken over somebody.

Not even 'his ex lover'.

Bonnie took some candles and lit them and started gathering her tools for the spell.

She started speaking the Latin words to revive kai.

The candles and chimney started to flare really high as if she was working hard into the spell.

In the middle of the spell her eyes went closed.

"unum quaeris Brung non revertitur"

After speaking those words Bonnie started to bleed badly and passed out.

"What does it mean"

Caroline whipped out her phone and searched the words.

"It means 'the one you seek can not be Brung back' "

That's was true until are little witch had talked to the man who was to deliver him to the devil himself.

30 Minutes later.

Why is it dark still I can breath but can't see.

Ooh did they send me back blind.

No...they couldn't have.

I opened my eyes and I saw the chimney and trust me the fire looked bright as hell.

"Can someone turn off the lights, it's very bright."

I looked over and saw Damon and Caroline and a couple others.

"Kai your back, I wanted to explain something to you"

Hold on, do they smell that goodness.

It smells like... Blood

Turn my head this time to the right and see Bonnie and some blood on her hand.
I feel the hunger I have for her blood.

If I have hunger for blood then I'm vampire.

"Damon help me"

"What is it?"

"im hungry"

"Are you serious?, what do you want to eat"

"I want blood so don't cook me food"

"Blood Kai you don't drink blood if you did you would be a vampire"

I knew it.

I started shaking.

I can't feel magic.

I tried to feel Bonnie's magic but nothing it's as it has no connection with me.

I can't even feel the earth magic anymore.

And that wasn't a very good feeling to wake up to.

I stood up and tried to walk but accidentally vamp sped into the woods.

I started to cry.

I don't regularly, but I can't feel nature magic and this is breaking my heart.

If I had a big enough one but still.

I turned around cause I heard damon coming.

"Listen all your senses are heightened and I think you know about if you don't feed you die"

"Yeah I know but I can't die anymore"

"Tell me later about that, it sounds suspicious"


I sniffed the air.

"You smell that"

Smells really good.

I used my eyes to see what it is.

And I see the deer eating leafs.

And I lunged for the deer but Damon tackled me before I could.

"No you don't have to feed off deer there's blood bags in the house"

"Alright I'm just so hungry"

"I know how you feel"

"Damon I can't do magic anymore"

"Your emotions are wild"

"I'm serious I'm pointless without magic I studied and killed my family for magic just for it to be stripped from me later in life it's not fair"

"I have you even tried to cast a spell kai"


"Well try and see if it works"


"Motus pluviam"

Nothing happened .

See this what I mean.

"Damon I told you I couldn't make magic happen even if I was drained of magic"

"Kai, if you should be able to cause if your a vampire then you have magic coursing through your body."

All of a sudden cracks of light and thunder happened.

rain started to came down heavy.

"I thought you said you couldn't make magic happen"

"I can't not by myself at least"

Hold up if I did this then.


We popped up in the middle of the town by the clock tower.

"Kai did you do this"

"Yes I did"

"Well someone seems to have magic"

I guess I do.

"I understand now that I'm a hybrid a vampire-witch and now that I don't need anyone to drain to keep doing magic I'm must be damn lucky"

"That's because you are"

And he kissed me.

While we kissed the rain had got harder and harder.

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