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I just got my mom's old phone, so I'm back in my writing comfort zone. You should expect some more uploading. Here we go. Wait, if you haven't noticed by now all the death chapters will probably be written first, and if you think I should add some fluff in between request the idea in my inbox starting with #roommatefluff. That is all.

Two choices




"Are you sure?" You asked. Your mom gave you a death glare before responding.

"I insist. Unless you want to end up a red blotch on the asphalt." Your mom responded in an eerily, cheery way. You shuddered at how dark your mom's humor can be. Closing your eyes, you imagined a lion doing lion things. When you opened your eyes, you were the same height, but something wasn't right. You turned around and spotted a tail. You gasped.

"Now go to your room real quick, I need to speak with Mr. Williams alone." Your mom said after inspecting Cory with a certain distaste.

Oh look, she likes him.

You got a little nervous and left, but not before wishing him good luck without your mom hearing.  

You're gonna need it.

Your room looked the same as it did before you left. Same bed, same unvacuumed floor, same computer. You got on the computer. All your old games were still on there. 

I'll just play some of these until Cory and mom finish talking.

Then we can ask what they were talking about.


One level turned into two, which turned into 5, which turned into completing an entire game, to winning 3 games of solitaire. You were really bored so you decided spying was a good idea.

What animal would be good for spying?

A bug?

No, a bug could easily be splatted. How about an adorable mouse? If I'm caught there is no way anyone can kill me immediately.

You imagined a mouse running through a maze to get some cheese or something that tastes good. Your eyes stayed closed until you could feel your body going through changes. Organs and internal things shrinking and moving around. You wondered why it didn't hurt. It kind of felt like when you get a cavity filled with numbing gel.

You opened your eyes at almost ground level. Then, you slipped out of your room, into the hallway, and straight into the living room.

Your mom looked so much more intimidating from down there. You climbed a little higher.

There was something heavy in the air, like a bomb had just dropped. Your mom had an icy look in her eye. Like she was gonna kill a man. Speaking of men...

"I understand." Cory said. He looked kind of nervous, but with the daggers your mom was shooting, he wasn't doing too bad.

"I don't completely trust you. Any rational mother would have doubts and I have a lot of them, so I'll make you a deal. My daughter is a delicate flower, who, if angry enough, could destroy your whole life. She could kill  you with one punch, kick, or bite. She's also an observer. With a few words, she could crush your self-esteem with facts. However, she could also fight for you, as a human or an animal. Sleep on it, ask (y/n), I don't care, but if you still want to take her tomorrow, I won't bring up this conversation. Also, I'll give you a month warranty. Meaning after a month I'm gonna call, and if you don't want to live with her anymore, I'll get her an apartment. Think about it." Your mom said. Cory stood and left the room.

Oi, are we a microwave? You can not give warranties on people.

No time. We need to get back to the room.

You ran back to your room, while imagining human things. Just as you reached the threshold you turned back into a human. You sat down on your computer chair, and tried to fix your breathing. Cory entered the room.

"How did it go?" You asked, trying to control your breathing.

"Um... I need to ask you if you want to stay here or come back. I think your mom wants you to stay here again."

You pretended to think. "I think you should sleep on it. It is up to you. She didn't ask me, and if I answered, she wouldn't accept it. She wants an honest answer from the person she asked." You explained. "I'll take you to your room."

You knew Cory wanted to do the right thing.

I guess I can give him a hint.

Two choices:

Tell him you want to stay,


Tell him you want to go.

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