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Hello awesome people! You took time to check out my profile! Huh, STALKER!

But no worries, I can entertain stalkers too, so yeah..

I love EMINEM! End of the story!

I love reading and writing! Its pretty obvious duh..

Black is the best color ever! It is cool, sexy, and evil!

My username says I am gothic. But I am not! That username is cool, and that's the only story behind it! No depression, no suicidal tendencies that made me all gothic and stuff..

I am completely crazy. I don't know why that was needed to be mentioned..

Dirty things! Everything around me reminds me of some or the other dirty stuff. Can't help it, my brain is programed like that!

I like dancing, and when it comes to singing, I often do special concerts for my bathtub, towel, and all other bathroom things. They are my loyal fans!

I can't say I am always happy, but I try to be happy. I cry when my internet doesn't work.

I love making friends, especially on Wattpad.

I just love playing pranks! I have played many of them on Wattpad and I'm sure some of you would have been my past victims!

Sarcasm is my mother tongue. Just kidding, my mother tongue is dirty.

I am often controlled by my inner goddess who is scary, sensual, sexy, and awesome!

I hate studying. But I would have topped Hogwarts any time!

My favorite means of time pass is drooling over hot celebs! Just can't control my inner Goddess again!

Lamborghini, Bugatti, Porsche...I WANT ALL OF THEM!!

I love rains, and get very philosophical when it rains.

I love EMINEM! Oh wait, I already said that, didn't I? Doesn't matter, I need to say that again! I LOVE EMINEM!

I don't believe in follow for follow, because you gotta EARN your followers, mate!

@_Mad_Hatterx - She is my awesome little sister. I <3 you!!

I love to talk, and that's why I am blabbering so much and you'd be regretting your decision to stalk me but hey, I warned you I am crazy and so no more bullshit. Okay okay I am going. Bye! I love you too! <3

1) Is there any added feature you wish wattpad had and if yes, what would it be?

_GothicGirl_   Wattpad is perfect actually, there's nothing I would like to change. Maybe the quality of people out here, but that's not possible!

2) If given a chance to own any one out of wattpad and facebook, which one would it be?

_GothicGirl_  Asking me to make a choice between Wattpad and Facebook is like asking me to either select love or money. Okay, maybe Mark Zuckerberg earns more than the owners of Wattpad, but I'll choose love. I love Wattpad!


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