Chapter 5

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Kong POV

Interesting, did not see that coming and I start to analyze the course. OK, so it looks like this is going to take some stamina and focus, good thing I have been training most of my life in marital arts and hit the gym almost every day. This will definitely push me to my limits, but I know I can do this...hmm, I wonder.

I start to walk and we all gather in front of the dean and wait for him to speak.

Dean – I hope you all are ready and going to give this your all, does anyone have any question? OK, looks like nobody does. OK, let's get ready if you would...

Kong – Excuse me sir, I have a question. As a leader, I have to say that I feel that in order for a leader to achieve a goal, it would be better if he/she utilizes what they had available to them and for me, that would be my fellow hazers. I feel as a leader that I show my class, that we are better as a group and work together, then to work alone?

Dean – Spoken like a true leader and for that I will award Econ 1 point for winning the hidden challenge. I was going to see if anyone else would also raise that question up and yes, it would be better to work as a team.

Dean -Your team will have 5 field challenges to complete, think of this like a 4 man relay race, were in order for the next runner to start his part of the race, he must grab the baton and give it to the next runner for them to start theirs. This competition is similar, in that in order for the next teammate to start his course, he must wait until the other finishes his. (A/N some of the challenges are from a show called ninja warrior, if you are curious)Here are the challenges in order: 1st Quintuple Step - The competitor must jump across 5 platforms that are angled 45° degrees toward the center of a water pit, and then jump to the platform at the end. The platforms are positioned alternately, left and right, across the length of the pit, followed by climbing and getting over a 20ft cargo net wall. 2nd Tarzan Rope - The competitor must cross a series of 4 elastic, vertically hanging ropes to the other side of the end of the field, and then followed by the Tackle Machine - The competitor must push a 100kg weight down the football field and reach the 50 yard line. 3rd Wall Lifting - The competitor must lift three heavy walls and cross under them to advance, the walls weights start at 30kg, (66 pounds) 40kg (88 pounds), and 50kg (110 pounds) and then followed by a climbing up and down a 40ft high rope. 4th run 200 meters and then do 200 meter hurdles concurrently, and the 5th is to run from the finish line to the aquatics gym next door and do 2 50meter freestyle laps in the pool. OK, you have 20 min to get your team in order, now go!

Most of the other heads start to head back to their teams, with the exception of Phan who walks up to me and pats me on my shoulder, with a smile and Waii.

Phan - good job, never even thought of that, looks like I have to keep a close eye on you. I see this competition is actually going to be very interesting. Maybe we can go grab a drink sometime and then discuss strategies at my place?

Kong – (wow, this guy moves fast) Thank you, but I actually already have my eyes set on a certain cute pink cheeked guy, that I plan on making my wife (as I look over to Arth with a big toothy grin)

Arth – (With his cheeks blazing bright pink) KONGPOP! This is no time for joking around!

Phan – Yeah, I can see why. (He winks at Arth) Well, I am not one to give up easily, but I am also not one to interfere when I see love in the air. The offer is there if it doesn't work out handsome (winks with a smirk and walks towards his team).

Waii – Wow, that guy is quick, good job on that Kong (we fist bump) and good luck on the competition. I don't plan to make it easy for you guys, I plan to win this. (He waves bye and walks towards his team).

Arth – What is this about being your wife! Who do you think you are, you conceded bastard! I am no man's wife! Hell, you would have to win this whole competition for me to even look at you!

Kong – Challenge accepted "Pinks"! (I walk up close and whisper to his ear) I plan to make you more than just look at me. (I grab his chin to quickly turn his head towards me. I quickly kiss the tip of his nose, and then run out of his fist range, while smirking and heading towards my team)

Arth – KONGPOP!!

Arth POV

I quickly turn around and run towards my team. Ugh, why did he have to do that and also try to claim me as his wife! I swear, when I get my hands on him, I am so going to kiss him! Wait, I meant hit him!!! Get it together Arth, you don't have time to be day dreaming.

I start to slow down and motion for them to huddle around.

Arth – Look, I don't have time for to explain what you just saw, so drop it for now and I only have 20 min to organize this. Kong brought up the idea of using his team, to help with the course and was awarded a point for completing the hidden challenge. Basically, each of us will deal with part of the course and when one part is done the other starts his course...

I continue to explain each course to my team, but I was actually wishing I was ordering a king size cup of pink milk, we are so dead!


Hi all, I felt like giving you guys another update, but I wanted to explain what the challenge was and sorry if it is boring and short, but the next chapter is when all the fun begins! 

Don't forget to hit that beautiful star!

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