Chapter 1: My legs

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My name is Kura. You may know me as Sieglinde Sullivan. Yes, I'm a witch, but that doesn't mean I use back magic and hurt others.

"who is she?" I heard a voice say from behind the door of the room I am in. "where did she come from?"

Was that Ciel who was talking? Or someone else? Who was it? I didn't know. Where is he?

Then I heard another voice.
"Young Master, please calm down. She is Master Sieglinde. I promise you she is no other."

"Is what your telling me the truth?" The first voice said.

"I would not lie to my Young Master." The second voice admitted. 

I head my eyes closed. Where am I? Where is this place? What is this place? 

I moved my hand around and felt something soft... like bed sheets... I feel warm...there's a blanket over me... but how did I get to the place where I am at right now...?

Then I heard the door creak open. The afterwards I heard clicks and taps, like someone was walking into the room towards me. 

Who is it? 

Those steps... I know those steps.... Sebastian....

I felt soft gloved hands above me, then followed by the sound and feeling of him gently, but slowly, take the blanket halfway off of me. 

I slowly opened my eyes and I looked up at the man with longish black hair. Our eyes met and afterwards the man gave me a gentle and friendly smile and said "Hello Master Sieglinde. The Young Master would like to talk to you." 

I stared up at him for a couple of seconds, and then smiled back in the same smile that he had just gave me. "Hello Mr. Sebastian. When does the Young Master wish to see me?"

"Right now." He answered. 

I sat up and he pulled the rest of the blanket off of me and he let it dangle off the end of the bed.

"Hurry up, Sebastian." Came Ciel's voice from outside the door. "I don't have all night."

Sebastian gave me a look and he said "Be right there, Young Master."

"I won't tell." I told Sebastian and I slid off the bed and walked to the door.

I was met by Ciel. He was in his daily cloths. He was wearing all black with some gold stuff on his outfit that really made him pop like a flower that bloomed. 

Ciel looked at me up and down and then said "Good. You look all right. Nothing broken?"

I shook my head and said "Nothing is broken, Master Ciel." 

He was looking at me if there was something wrong with me calling him by "Master Ciel". 

"Something wrong?" I asked him as I looked into the room and seen Sebastian fixing the bed that I was sleeping on.

Ciel shook his head and said "You know you do not have to call me by what Sebastian calls me by. There is no reason."

I gave him a weird look and I said with a smile "Is that blush is see?" 

When Ciel heard that, his cheeks turned red. Red as a tomato and then he quickly said "N-no! Absolutly not!"

I giggled a little and Sebastian walked out of the quest bedroom that I was in and he closed and locked the door behind himself. He turned to Ciel and said "Young Master, I have finished fixing the bed. Is there anything else you need or want me to do? Such as bathing you and fixing YOUR bed."

I laughed a little at that. 

Sebastian had a grin on his face when he heard me giggle. 

Ciel still had a blush on his face, but then afterwards, he had violently shook his head and then turned to Sebastian and glared at him. "What have I told you about making fun of me in front of a guest!?"

After that I started laughing. My laugh bounced off the walls, causing Ciel to turn to be and say "Quiet down, you! If you don't quit laughing, then I'll give you something to laugh about!"

I stopped laughing and gave him a look. "What was that? Isn't that supposed to be "If you don't quit crying, then i will give you something to cry about"?" 

Ciel jolted a little, noticing the mistake he had just make. 

Sebastian shook his head a bit and then said "I think it is already time for your bath, Young Master. Please go get ready for you bath and I will have May-Rin and Finney get your bath water ready."

Ciel turned his head to Sebastian and stared at him for a few seconds. Then he said, as if it had just slipped out "Make me."

I giggled a little and started pushing him to walk. "As you wish." 

"Hey! Hands off! Don't touch me!"

"Now, now, Young Master, please don't be rude to our guest. She is only trying to help. Young Master, it is really time for your bath and we do not want you to be late for your bed time. You have a very important meeting in the morning with Undertaker." 

"Another crime scene?" Ciel asked after he had sighed. "What is it?"

"This morning there was a letter from the Queen of England, herself, saying that there is a man running around the area of the city that is next to our city and we are to meet with Undertaker so he can give us the details about the bodies that were found just yesterday during the night. Do you not remember, Young Master?"

"My mind isn't working very well today, Sebastian." Ciel told his butler. "It happens whenever that black haired witch is around me or near by."

"Hey!" I yelled. "How dare you talk about me! I am right here! Haven't you remembered that?!"

"Like I said, my mind isn't working very well today, so please get off of my case about it." 

I crossed my arms and stared at him as if I was going to burn a hole through his head from behind him. 

"Sebastian, I do not want her to be in the bathroom with me, so please have her wait in the living room." Ciel said. 

"She is not going to stay in the bathroom with you, Young Master. I didn't even planned that out to begin with.... That actually sounds like a very good idea, Master Sieglinde, would you like to help me bathe Master Ciel with me?" 

"Sebastian, if you don't shut up right now, then I sware I will beat you with my foot!!" Ciel burst out. 

"Would you like to be on the ground?" I asked. 

"Oh come now, it was only a joke.... but only a suggestion." Sebastian said out loud. 

"I don't like that suggestion or joke! Enough with the damn jokes and get on with asking May-Rin and Finney about my bathe water!"

"I honestly would rather be waiting in the living room, Sebastian, I do not want to see Ciel's body, I am way too young for that." I said as Ciel ran into one of the tables that was in the hallway in front of us three. 

Sebastian make a face and he grabbed Ciel by the shoulder and said "Please make your way to the bathroom while I take Master Sieglinde to the living room and have May-Rin and Finney warm up your bath water." 

"All right." Ciel said and started walking about from me and Sebastian. 

Me and Sebastian was left in the hallway. 

Sebastian sighed, but then he quickly looked down at my legs and he made a face. 

I looked down at my legs and I sighed. "Still not used to me walking on both of my feet yet, Sebastian?"

Sebastian closed his eyes and he shook his head. Then he opened his eyes and he looked down at me with a smile. "I wouldn't mind carrying you again, like we did two years ago." 

I looked up at him and I smiled. 

Sebastian knelled down and he scooped me up in his arms. I put my arm around his shoulder so I wouldn't fall from in arms, not that he's let me fall. 

Then he carried by down the hallway, heading down stairs to the living room. 

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