Chapter 7 Heart Shape Agony

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"Not Exactly!" The S-Class Team said together.

"Why are you repeating what I am saying?" The First Headmaster asked.

Lucy answered for the team, "we're seriously confused. You didn't cause all the greatest detectives to come all the way here?"

"No I was one of the ones abducted, fortunately I was able to escape but obviously because I am first headmaster of this school I know it very well,"

"Wanna try making it a little more convincing with the Tudor dialect, thou, thy, thee?" Kyle said. Mira slapped Kyle after he said that to the most important man in the school's history. "You idiot," she whispered, "how could you say something so rude to the most important man to have ever existed at the school?"

"I was abducted 3 years ago so therefore I learned the current English Language," The First Headmaster said, not offended.

"So, you escaped the prison cell and for the past two years you've been living down here?" Lucy said.

"Well yes, this is my ballroom it has a kitchen, beds and also a dance floor to start grooving on whenever you feel like it oh and pretend to dance with the pretty ladies!" The First Headmaster started to mimic dancing. As he did so the S-class Team looked at him and sighed disappointingly. "Do you know where we can find these other detectives?" Lucy asked.

"Well, err, no but I have a book that may help you find them,"

"We'll take it then," Mira interrupted. Mira took the book and went up the stairs, instinctively the others followed her. Then, the First Headmaster shouted, "in section 214 there are some books on the history of Arkenott. It should be under 'A' and good luck guys!" They ran up the stairs as fast as they could and found themselves back in the library. To think that there would be a 'now secret' ballroom underneath the library. How fancy! The S-class Team found the book 'The History of Arkenott'. It had paintings and pictures of the old Arkenott back in the day. It gave a list of all of the previous Head Teachers all the way up to the present one today. Turning the pages to the longest mysteries ever. Something struck Lucy. All of the detectives had disappeared at different periods in time but the reality of it was that they all appeared at Arkenott at the same time. There were reports to have been huge clouds in the sky, the night that the detectives were abducted. It was in all of the occasions so it seemed to be that the clouds must of had some link with the disappearances. Mira and Kyle found a couple of other books on the matter while Lucy was scanning through 'The History of Arkenott'. Mira found a book called 'Longest Cases Throughout History' and Kyle found a sticker book a souvenir from the Arkenott gift shop located in the main hotel. Kyle was being immature, sticking stickers in the sticker book. Mira saw him do this and shouted, "Kyle we are supposed to be looking for reference books not stupid sticker books." Mira was filled with anger and was about to explode. Lucy just laughed. She took the sticker book away from Kyle and put it in her bag. Borrowing the books she found, Lucy found Kyle playing with her hair with her signature pigtails in. She looked at Kyle with a confused look in her eyes. She was too confused to say anything.

Then a spiky, almost black haired boy, looking quite cool walked in. "Billy what the heck dude, when was the last time you ever came into a library? Looking for trouble?" Kyle said with aggression.

"No of course not, I'm just looking for the lovely lady Mira," Billy said. He is the most flirtatious boy in the class and Mira looked at him nervously. "Anyway, where did you go?" Kyle asked angrily.

"I'm working with my dudes Charlie and Tom!" Billy shouted back. They fought for at least ten minutes. Until Lucy whispered, "shhhh, shut up, we're supposed to be quiet in a library." Billy and Kyle turned around and looked at her and they listened to her.

"Wait, Billy why the hell are you out of lessons?" Lucy asked.

"Same goes for you cutie," Billy winked.

"Shut up, anyway just some important business, clearly you have nothing to do here so obviously you need to go Billy!" Lucy shouted.

"Gonna snitch on me, sugar?" Trying to be flirtatious he took off his t-shirt revealing his 6 pack.

"Course not, but just go and put some clothes on,"

"Ahhhh, when did that come off?"

"When you were trying to give some flesh to flesh contact weren't you,"

"Fine you caught me red handed but I know abs are fabulous," he said trying to calm the situation down, "I'm just trying to get out of lessons coz I can."

"Oh is that it?"

Then Billy ran off putting his T-shirt on then he was really embarrassed because he lost his cool. Lucy smiled and laughed as he ran.

Billy got to his class he quickly wrote an note saying he was at the doctors that day. He had to go to a boring English Lesson, reading a 100 page story. No that is an understatement I'm sure it was at least 250 pages long. Walking into the classroom, Mrs Allen was about explode like a bomb you could see the anger in her face just oozing out of her but then very calmly she asked Billy why he was late. Billy handed her the notes she took it and believed him then she asked him to read 5 pages by himself to the rest of the class. Billy was so angry.

With S-class Team, they were still looking for clues. Mira was getting frustrated and she just wanted use the stuff they had. "Lu I don't think there's anything else," Mira finally said. Lucy sighed and she walked out of the library the others chased after her but she had just disappeared. 

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