Chapter 1

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"AHHH!" I screamed, "Elise is scared!" Rose teased as she munched on her popcorn, we were celebrating Hannah and Anna's 16th birthday today, just something simple, a movie. And of course Hannah and Anna chose a horror. I clung to Hannah who had her eyes closed making her little freckles scrunch up, "aww you look so cute" I laughed completely ignoring the horror scene playing out on the movie screen, "oh my god shut up Elise! This movie is really scar-AHH!" I burst out laughing I couldn't help it. I turned to my left and saw Anna and Rose under there seats clinging onto each other for dear life, I laughed even harder, "my stomach!" I screeched as I fell to the ground in laughter, "I'm so glad we booked out the theatre or I'm pretty sure we would be kicked out" Hannah laughed.

After this we ended up talking and laughing through the rest of the movie, "best, movie, ever!" Anna grinned as we walked out of the theatre together, "oh my god! Be right Back!" Rose yelled as she ran back into the theatre, "I'll go with her" said Hannah as she bolted after her, "me too!" said Anna, "I guess I'm going then" I said to myself as I ran to catch up to Anna. As I entered the movie theatre I saw Anna, Hannah and Rose crawling on the floor, "guys what are you doing?" I asked quietly as the people for the next movie were entering, "I left my phone here" Rose said deep in concentration. I got onto my knees too and searched for Roses' phone. After a couple of minutes of searching I had just about given up when I saw a small phone looking object sitting under a seat, "Hey Rose!" "Rose?" I called out again, "Anna? Hannah?" I called. I stood up and looked around the theatre, where did they go? I clutched the phone in my hand and started towards the door, "hey! give my phone back!" A voice called, I whipped around and saw 2 boys standing there staring at me, "um, this phone?" I asked laughing nervously, "yes that one" The shorter one replied, "but this is my sisters and um, yeah I really got to go now" I said backing away, "no that's MY phone" said the boy again, "prove it" I said sassily, "open the phone' he said simply, I opened the phone and I stared at it in shock when I saw the screensaver wasn't of me Rose, Hanna and Anna, but of those two boys with people who appeared to be there parents, "oh um, sorry" I squeaked, "Elise? Are you in here?" A voice whispered. I turned around and saw Rose walking towards me, "Elise, why are you still in here? I found my phone ten minutes ago" "oh well um, wait a sec" I walked towards the two boys and handed them his phone, "sorry" I muttered as I turned to walk away, suddenly one of them grabbed my wrist, "stop" I froze, "can I have your number?" Said the taller one, "I don't really know you" I said nervously, "get to know me " he replied stubbornly, "fine" I gave him my phone to put his number in as I put my number in his phone, "call me" he winked as I walked out with Rose. I jogged over to Hannah and Anna and explained everything from when they left without me to when the guy winked at me. Speaking of him, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw 1 message from, 'Max' I guess that's his name. I closed my phone and kept talking with the girls.

We arrived back at Hannah and Anna's house after a couple hours of shopping, "soo" Anna started as we all sat down on her bed, "what does he look like?" "is he nice?" do you like him?" questions were fired at me. I processed what they were saying and realised they were talking about Max, "well" I started, "he is definitely a huge flirt and his short brown hair is perfect on him with his tan skin and fit body and he was so tall" I babbled dreamily, "so you do like him!" Rose squealed raising her eye brows at me her brown eyes sparkling with excitement, "I guess so" I muttered quietly smiling. Suddenly Anna jumped on me yelling, "Elise has a crush! Elise has a crush!" Then Rose then Hannah, I scrambled underneath them and hit the floor with a bang, I ignored the searing pain in my leg and sprinted past Ruth (Hannah and Anna's mum) through there backyard and up into our tree house that Matthew (Hannah and Anna's dad) helped us make when were toddlers. I sat on the little stool we had painted with butterfly's and flowers. I looked around the chipped paint on the walls and decided I wanted to give our tree house a makeover. My thoughts were interrupted by all of the girls tumbling in, "we found you!" Rose said happily, "hey, do you guys wanna give this place a makeover?" I asked ignoring Roses comment, "lets do it!" Hannah said, "I'll get the paint!" Said Anna as she started descending the ladder, "I'll get stickers!" said Hannah "bye!" I called out quickly. That left just me and Rose. The silence was broken by my phone buzzing. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw a text from Max,

Max: What are you up to?

Me: Re-decorating our treehouse

Max: Cool, who is 'our'

Me: 'Our' is Rose the girl with me in the theatre, Hannah and Anna our best friends :)

Max: Cool do you need some muscles to help? ;)

Me: I'm good thanks

Max: You sure?

After that I closed my phone and stood up from the little stool, 'who were you talking too?" Rose asked as I started to descend the ladder, "the boy from the theatre" I replied as I landed with a thud onto the grass. I heard Roses' feet hit the ground a few seconds after me. She jogged up to me and kept her pace with mine, "What were you talking about." she asked continuing our conversation from a couple of seconds ago, "he wants to help with the re-decoration of the tree house" I replied rolling my eyes laughing, "he should! We could use some muscles" Rose said, I think we'll be fine" I said, "but what if we're not" she replied stubbornly "but what if we are fine" I said, "but what if we're NOT!" Rose said again, "Rose this is getting no where!" I said getting frustrated, "but you need to get to know him!" "no I don't!" I yelled as I stormed off to the shed, "we need muscle" I said in a baby voice to myself mimicking Rose as I picked up a big bucket of purple paint, "you need to get to know him" I mimicked to myself again as I started towards the tree house again. I was almost at the rope ladder when crash! The bucket fell from my hands and onto my foot! I screamed louder than I thought I ever could and I didn't stop, I screamed for help, "RUTH! MATTHEW, HANNAH, ANNA, ROSE!" I kept screaming the pain was so overwhelmingly horrible. I collapsed to the ground and threw of my shoe and sock my big toe was bleeding and I had a cut across my foot. I felt myself become dizzy, so much blood, so so much blood. I saw Ruth and Hannah come out of the house yelling my name, "Elise!" Darkness took over my body my foot was throbbing pain that's all I could feel. The last thing I heard was someone calling my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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