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"Ally! Ally! Ally! Ally! Ally! Ally!" Jay screamed at the door she was currently trying to get through. Her best friend answered the door with the usual sass.
"Can I help you or are you just trying to break my door for the hell of it?"
"Are you guys ready for the bonfire or not?"
"I am. However Nessie has decided to wait till the last minute to get ready, as per usual." Ally said with a glare at half of her favorite duo.
"It's not my fault Les wore my favorite jeans and didn't wash them."
Jay was getting exasperated by the twins as they started bickering over who's fault it was.
"Let's just go already." said Ally from her bed. "Kay we're all ready." Les commented on the way out of her older sister's room. They all piled into the Jeep that was technically Ally's but Les and Nessie claimed it as their own, and if Ally never argued with them on it well then that's okay.
On their way to the bonfire Nessie hogged the radio playing all her favorites.
"Can we please listen to literally anything else?" Jay pleaded for the ninth time.
"Seriously we get it you love Fall Out Boy now change it."
"House rules, driver picks the music." Nessie said with a smirk.
"Ugh! How much longer till we're there?" Ally asked.
"About five."
"Thank Leia!" Les exclaimed which got her a glare in the rear view mirror. Nessie's twin mouthed a sorry and that seemed to soften the driver.
"Spence! Stop!" Ryder yelled about twenty feet away from where the girls just pulled up.
"I'm not doing anything!" Spencer shouted back.
"Both of you stop." Ally demanded.
"You're not the leader of us." Spencer said. Always the first to challenge any authority even her friends.
"Fine. Stop." Jay said with indifference. Zeke was attempting to start their own bonfire a little ways away from the main bonfire. However he nearly burned his arm when Kira pulled him away.
"Do you wanna burn your arm off!"
"Maybe!" he replied just to pick a fight with her.
"Really Zeke." his twin Jasmine said. They all started talking about everything and nothing at all. Except for Nessie. She was currently drowning everyone out with her earbuds as she suppressed the demons in her head. Well that is until one of the two people who can actually get under skin noticed. Like always.
"Wanna talk about it?" Jay asked as she gently pulled out one of the earbuds.
"Sure. When do you think Zeke and Kira are going to tell everyone they're dating?" That only got Nessie a look that read something along the lines of you know what I meant.
"What's wrong? You've been acting different ever since you last talked to Pele."
"I'm fine. Go have fun. Go drink. Go dance. Go talk to Jordan. Go do teenagery things."
"I don't wanna. I wanna know what's wrong."
"I'm fine."
"What did you guys talk about?"
"Fashion designers." Nessie deadpanned hoping she'd just drop it. Unfortunately she couldn't be so lucky.
"All I wanna do is help."
Nessie stayed silent not because she wanted to hurt Jay the exact opposite, she wanted to protect her.
"Fine if you're not going to talk then I will. You know Mack from second?"
"The Grace?" Nessie asked to keep the conversation going.
"Yeah. He said he's going down to go to this concert next week."
"Which one?" she remarked with indifference.
"I don't know exactly he said something about Dallas Weeks when he gave me the tickets." Jay knew exactly who Dallon Weekes was she also knew how to trap Nessie.
"You mean Dallon Weekes, Panic! at the Disco's bassist?!?" Nessie exclaimed suddenly all interested.
"Yeah but since you don't wanna talk I think I'll just ask Jordan if she wants to go." As Jay got up Nessie grabbed her wrist.
"We'll talk later okay? Can we just pretend like everything's fine?"
"Of course." Jay caved cause she'd do anything for the black haired girl.
"At Panic's concert?" Nessie asked with sickeningly sweet smile.
"You honestly think I'd take Jordan over you." They both started laughing and headed back towards their friends. Nessie realized that night, if she was going to protect her friends she needed to get better at hiding the swarm of demons dying to wreak havoc on her life.

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