Broken Home

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"Douse the fires! It's almost midnight!" Bryce yells as the groups start putting their fires out. Every Friday night the teenagers come out to the beach to hang out and build bonfires. At midnight they put the fires out and watch Lei and her Naitas. They darken the sky so that the stars shine even brighter.
"This is my favorite part of every week." Spence admitted to Ryder.
"They're so beautiful." Bea commented.
"Don't forget they could kill you if they wanted." Jazz added as Jackson put his hands around her waist. On the other side of their group Les turned to Nessie as they both made faces at each other.
"I saw that." Jazz said with a pointed look at the twins.
"Nessie's just jealous." Jackson declared.
"I don't like people so no not jealousy more along the lines of disgust."
"Well..." Les started which only lead to an onslaught of questions.
"What do you mean?" Kira asked.
"Who does she like?" Bea demanded.
"I knew it!" Jazz exclaimed.
"Les don't." Nessie said with a look that could kill.
"I shall never reveal the best of you." Les promised her twin.
"Is she quoting Dumbledore?" Zeke asked.
"Yes, she is." Jay said after being silent the entire time. After Lei had passed and everyone had said their goodbyes and good nights they all headed home. Nessie was getting nervous and as always she started worrying at the seam in her jeans. Stop just stop you'll be fine. Nothing is going to happen. He's probably not even home. But what if he is. Then what. Another night of screams and broken glass.
"Nes!" Les screamed in her twins face.
"Wh-what? What happened?" Nessie asked completely confused.
"You zoned out." Her older sister explained.
"Oh." Nessie said as she got even more nervous as they were pulling into the driveway. This won't last forever. You will be okay, someday. Just keeping holding on. Just keep dreaming. She kept her head down and hurried down the hall to her room. After five minutes of hyperventilating Les came in to tell her their father wasn't home.
"You hungry? Jay's making grilled cheese with tomato soup." Leslie asked truly concerned for her twin. Even if she thought she was hiding it Les could see the way her hands were constantly moving and could practically hear all the thoughts racing through her head.
"Uhh yeah. I'll be down in a minute."
"You okay?" Les asked as she sat against the headboard of Nessie's bed.
"Yeah. Fine." Nessie tried in what she thought was a confident tone.
"Kiwi." Her white haired twin declared.
"Not now Les. I'll talk later."
"Alright then," she said not truly giving up on the topic," let's go get some food." As Leslie got up she noticed Nessie wasn't following her. In fact she was laying in the bed with her arms up, expecting her twin to help her. With a sigh Les walked over and helped her twin who then proceeded to climb on her for a piggyback ride.
"Ugh. You're getting too big for this." Nessie just held on tighter. Les ran around the kitchen with her twin on her back singing Wannabe.
"Both of you shut up!" Ally exclaimed from where she sat on the kitchen counter.
"You wish you could sing like us." Leslie countered.
"If I sang like you two I'd be a voluntary mute."
"Rude." Nessie said as she went to stand next to Jay.
"Can I help you?" Jay asked with a sideways glance.
"Just watching." As the food finished and the girls gathered around the island someone came in the front door. They all froze as Demetrius walked into the kitchen.
"Hey girls. How was the bonfire?"
"Great." Ally said with a worried glance at her little sister who was willing herself to disappear.
"Well it's getting late maybe you guys should go to bed."
"Do you mind if I stay the night, my dad is out of town." Jay asked even though she's stayed home alone plenty of times before but she worried about Nessie, they all did.
"Of course you're welcome anytime." They all exchanged good nights except for Nessie who had bolted the moment her dad said to go to bed. So when Jay walked into her room asking if she could sleep with her tonight she was slightly surprised. She obviously let her stay and they climbed into bed just the same as the had the countless times before. They didn't talk for awhile until Jay asked the question she'd been wondering since she found out the type of father Demetrius really was.
"What's going to happen to you?"
"I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to, just depends on his mood."
"I wanna help. How do I help you?"
"You wait here and when I come back hold me." Nessie said as she turned her head and looked at her best friend. Then the moment she dreaded arrived.
"Nessie can you come here a minute?"
"Stay here." Nessie got up and walked across the house to her father's office and stood in the doorway.

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