HI!!!!!! this is a book that i thought would be cool. these are just me thoughts and scenarios i made up/ thought of when i was trying to fall asleep i do that a lot and most of the things i make up/think of are very interesting/good so i did this...
You're on a week long camping trip with your school so u are sleeping in cabins. It's for your grade and the grade above u ex: 7 and 8 IDK u can change it if u want.
You wake up one in sunny morning and decide to wear a tank and a pair of shorts
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It was relatively hot out so u pick a super cute outfit. when you get there your friends are already waiting for you at a table but your eyes immediately fall on (y/c/n) and his friends who are sitting at a table on the other side of the room. You run your hand through hair and walk over to your friend's table"Hey" you say to your best friend Jessi and proceed to eat breakfast.
~time skip~
After breakfast, you and your friends decide to go watch the horses. as you walk down to the field where the horses are Jessi asks you
"Hey did you see what Alex did at breakfast today?"
"No what did he do?" You ask
"He kept throwing stuff at our table, and yelling your name when you weren't there" replied Jessi
"Wow that's weird" you added. Finally, you get to the field where the horses are kept,
"fried nodols!!" You shout at a horse eating nearby. As you go to call out to the horse again but then your voice was drowned out by a whole bunch of shouts coming from a group of boys running down the dirt road. The horse that you and your friends were looking at got very startled from the shouting and ran away.
"Hey! You scared the horse!", Jessi yelled the boys; the boys just chuckled
"You guys shouldn't have down that", you called to the group boys just then your friend Ali nudged you and whispered in your ear
"Look who's here", then you realized that the group of the boys was (y/c/n) and his friends
"Sorry, sweetheart we'll try not to do it again." call( y/c/n)'s best friend Alex.Then all the friends started to laugh, after that remark, your face turned scarlet red due to embarrassment you decide to go back to the rec room. As you walk back to the cabins your friends murmured about random nonsense behind you, while Jessi and Ali walked next to you trying to comfort you.
"Why Alex? Why did he have to say that when (y/c/n) was standing right there? And sweetheart what the heck!?" you say to yourself. Finally, you get to the rec room by that time you already calm down, and happy again. As you and your friends were talking some girls that are a year older than you came into the rec room, one of the girls found a deck of cards so you guys played together.
"Hey, you guys wanna play cheat?", you suggested
"Speaking of cheat did you guys hear that Daniel cheated on a test? asked your friend Alexis.
"Yeah! The one last week apparently he forced Olvia you know the one with the really long braids to give him and Ryan the answers" explained clarity
"Oh, wow" you claim
"Hey, isn't Ryan that guy that used to bully Jessi back in grade 4? asked Belle
"Yeah" grumbled Jessi.
~Your POV~
"Ok, ok back to the game guys,", I say
"Yeah, let's just play", Jessi says.
After explaining the game we began to play, as we played more and more people joined the game. Finally, it was time for lunch we all pack up the cards and said bye to our new friends
(a/n sorry that part was cheesy I was desperate.)
~time skip~
Finally! LUNCH !!!!, I speed walk to the lunch tables to grab a plate; standing in the line I can't wait to start eating! as the line slowly progresses I hear my name being whispered behind me but every time I look back no one's speaking"must be in my head". after getting my food I start to walk past y/c/n's table when a hand grabs my wrist; "ah! you're going to sit with us for lunch?!" it's Alex "u-um "I stutter out. " aww!! you don't need to explain" says Alex as he pulls you to their table, he hands your plate to Mason and pushes u into y/c/n's lap. " Woah y/n)I didn't know you wanted me so bad!" chuckled y/c/n.
"s-sorry Alex pushed me" I whisper while trying to get off, I feel his hands wrap around my waist. "no you don't have to move," he says quietly. mason hands me my plate and we all continue to eat. after lunch, the boys bring me back to their cabin we all just talk about random things it was actually pretty fun! at the end of the day I'm about to leave when I hear my name I look behind me to see (y/c/n) running towards me, "(y/n) wait" I stand and wait till he catches up;
"I've been meaning to do this," he says shyly and gives you a kiss on the cheek, " I love you (y/n)"