New Start

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"Shit how did we find them last time?!" Malraux yelled as he searched the dark waters for the two lovers. The crew has been at this for

"Cecil, do you see anything?" Syo looked up at the crows nest to address his shipmate.

"Nothing yet..." Cecil replied.

"They're dead...I can't believe it. After all the trouble we went through for them, they decided to go kill themselves. The nerve of some people." Camus went on a rant.

"Ugh please go back to being unconscious," Malraux muttered.

"I think I see Naomi," Ren said as he looked through the telescope. His secret power was that he can spot a corset anywhere.

"But where's Ikki?" Reiji

"There he goes. He just popped up," Tokiya said when he spotted the red hair.

"Let's get them on board then," Masato said as he picked up the rope.

Lady Naomi felt cold and wet, 'Is this what death feels like.' She didn't remember much what happened after Otoya kissed her. Is he still kissing her? She can feel a pair of lips on her. Next, she heard murmurs and soon those murmurs turned into clear familiar voices.

"I'm getting a heartbeat. Someone get me a knife I need cut her out of the corset."

"Don't you think you should ask before you do that, Ren?"

"Ceci when it comes to life and death there's no need to ask."

"Keep thinking like that and you're going to jail for sure, Jinguji."

"Just shut up and give me the knife."


Naomi started coughing up sea water and she rolled on her side and curled up. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings to see a bunch of men. Some were looking away with red faces while other kept eye contact with her, never daring to look down. "W-What happened? Where am I?" She felt something wrapped around her and looked down to see a familiar white coat.

"You jumped off a cliff and Jinguiji saved you with CPR," Camus explained to her.

"Oh thank you, sir," she bowed her head then gasped at what she didn't see. Her face reddened and she tightly shut the coat close, "Why am I naked?"

"Ok in my defense we found you with just a corset and underwear on. I just cut you out the corset so you can clear your lungs." Ren said as he put his hands up in defense.

"O-Oh," She looked around deck, "Where's Ikki..." say his new name felt strange to her but in a good way.

"He kinda took some bad hits so Tokiya is patching him up in the infirmary," Reiji explained, "Other than that he's fine!"

"I want to see him..."

"Ow...Ow...Tokiya that stings!" Ikki was sitting up in bed with bandages around his hands, arm, leg, chest and head. At the moment Tokiya was cleaning up the last cut.

"It's your own fault for being so reckless...and you call yourself a swordsman." When Tokiya pulled the redhead on board, he was worried that the poor kid was dead already. He had to pry his tight grip off of the girl and checked his pulse. The purple pirate was the one that performed CPR on him and took him to the infirmary.

"He just made me so mad..." Ikki let out a sigh and looked up at the wooden ceiling. "To speak about Naomi in such a way... "

"I know..." There was a know at the door and Tokiya put up the first aid kit. "Come in."

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