Chapter 8

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Hey guys, sorry it's been a while since I updated, I had finals going on. But now that I'm free, here's ch8 for you! It wasn't easy to write, and I couldn't have done so without Mia! So thank you for all your help! Please read and review! Enjoy!


The last two days had taken a toll on Jay. He was weak from the loss of blood and the constant beating he had been subjected to. A point had come where he had blacked out from the pain.

Cold water was thrown on him to revive him. The basement he was being held in was musty, dank and cold. With his hands duct-taped together and attached to a hook from the ceiling, his body was exposed for any kind of torture Lucas had planned, and there would be no way for Jay to prevent it. He was still slowly bleeding from the gunshot wound on his abdomen and it had already been two days since Lucas had shot him. Yet somehow, Jay knew his ordeal wasn't over; there was still more.

With an aching body, newly opened wounds on his torso, and a gunshot wound, Jay still found some strength to keep his body upright. His arms and shoulders ached, but that pain was nothing compared to anything he was about to receive or had already received.

The door of the basement swung open and Lucas entered with a sinister grin on his face. He clearly enjoyed torturing the detective. It was something he had promised Mia he would do when he got the chance.

"Just thought you'd wanna know, Detective, your pretty girlfriend and little sister are going crazy trying to find you. It's killing them," Lucas taunted, the sadistic smirk never leaving his face.

"What do you want?" Although weak, Jay still managed to respond back in a strong voice, which came as a surprise to Lucas. He had thought the detective was weak, therefore barely able to speak. But clearly, it would take a lot to break Jay.

"All in due time, Halstead...All in due time." Lucas pulled out the infamous knife of his which he seemed to carry around everywhere and use whenever he had the chance.

Jay held Lucas's gaze, never flinching from the sight of the knife. "Am I supposed to be intimidated?" Jay raised an eyebrow, watching Lucas's eyes darken at the knowledge that the knife wasn't intimidating Jay at all.

Instead of replying, Lucas replaced his knife back in his belt, once again looking at Jay. "I'll break you eventually," he warned before walking out.


Lucas had left two hours ago. Jay had been in and out of consciousness again, his body weakening every moment. In truth, he wasn't quite sure how much more he would be able to take before his body shut down.

Barely conscious at the moment, Jay felt someone take his hands, still duct-taped, off the hook. He couldn't see who it was, and his weak state caused him to fall to his knees.

Lucas walked back in, followed by another man.

From his position on his knees, Jay raised his head weakly, and his gaze landed on his girlfriend, who was gagged and had her hands bound behind her back. Her eyes widened when she saw Jay.

"You son of a bitch!" Jay was angry, his jaw clenched as he sent a death glare in Lucas's direction.

Lucas just laughed, sending a vicious kick to the gunshot wound on Jay's abdomen. Jay groaned in pain, and Erin struggled against the man holding her, her muffled screams satisfying Lucas immensely.

Jay's body was on fire. He was barely able to stay conscious, but seeing Erin trussed up and gagged ignited a fire within him. He wasn't about to let the bastard hurt Erin.

"Let her go, Lucas," Jay said firmly.

"Oh but I can't." Lucas walked over to Erin, grabbing her by the hair forcefully and shoving her onto her knees. "Why don't YOU tell him your little secret then, Detective Lindsay? What have you been hiding from your partner?"

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