Chapter 2: Whispers...

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     Thinking of this amazing night, I suddenly realized I was all alone and it was already past the time I was asked to wait. I started to walk my way out of the concert place when I heard someone screaming and running after me. By reflex and because I watched to many horror movie, I started to run away but it only took a few minutes before I felt a hand grabbing my arm and I screamed automatically till it was covered by his other hand, that made me shiver.

-"Don't or we are gonna be in trouble" he whispered

I felt like I knew this voice and it calmed me in some way but made me shiver in another. My heart knew but my head was telling me that it couldn't be. He slowly took away the hand that was on my mouth but still hold my arm as if he was afraid I would run away again. I turned to him unable to understand the situation. I opened my mouth to ask but no sound came out. He chuckled and said

-"Screamed too much that you lost your voice ?"

Hearing him say that I blushed hard and felt tears on my eyes but I tried to suppress them. Noticing my state, he took my hand and dragged me to the garden.

-"Let's walk a bit and enjoy the fresh air."

When I finally cleared my mind, I only was able to ask "Daehyun?" while squeezing his hand without noticing. He nodded with a charming smile squeezing back my hand and We decided to sat in a bench. Still anxious, i keep looking at the floor even through i felt his stare on me making me even more conscious of my heartbeat quickening and it went worse when I felt his hand on my chin.

-"Won't you look at me ?" He asked on a whisper once again.

I felt the same shivering as before and strongly said no with my head without making a sound while keeping his hand on mine. That was totally contradicting and he was enjoying it.

-"But I want to look at you" he whispered directly on your ear this time.

I shivered so hard that he put his other hand on his lips to hide his chuckle. I turned my head with anger to him but those feeling disappeared right away when I saw his sweet and naive smile.

-"You finally looked at me ! You seemed so straightforward in your message."

-"That's because... Wait ! What did you...just said ?" I asked not sure what he meant.

He placed again his hand on my cheeks, making them hot, and then took both of my hands in his.

-"I read all the letters that fan send me even if it takes a lot of time to read all of them. Usually, I never read any of the message sent on my SNS but by accident or maybe fate, I happened to open yours. And without knowing why, I began to read all of them, all the messages you sent me and started to wait for them everyday. In a live, I happened to recognize your ID when you had commented that you loved me and I Instantly answered without thinking."

While drowning by his every words, I heard for the 5th time the sound of someone taking a picture. At first I didn't think about it too much, still confused about what he was confessing but I remembered how popular Daehyun was so without thinking twice I took his hand strongly and started running . He asked me a few times what was I doing but followed me quietly when I told him to trust me.

We hurried to the subway station near and went in just before the door closed. Hopefully, the photographer whom had followed us was unlucky, the door closing in front of him. We let out a little sight before starting to laugh loudly when our eyes met. Feeling the stare of the other passengers, we stopped and went to sit down, face to face.

He sent a message to his manager and the members of his group to explain the situation. He was of course scolded a lot and they told him to hide while waiting for them to come and get him. He then asked me if I had an idea to where he could wait and I proposed my apartment as it wasn't far from where we were. He kept quiet for a few minutes before asking "are you sure?" Very seriously. It made me surprised and unsure of what he meant by this so I just replied with a shy "yes,why ?". "Don't regret this later." He finished.

All the way, we both stayed silent. I kept staring at my hand in disbelief that I took his just a few minutes ago while he was looking at the window. Curious of what he was looking at, I took a look too but shouldn't have done this cause I met his eyes on the reflection. By reflex I looked down again and felt my cheeks burning. I heard his devilish chuckle but didn't have time to react because we had already reached the station we had to get out off.


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