Chapter 1: A New Beginning For Evan

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Evans (vanoss) POV:

I have moved from Canada to here and I have left all my friends behind I have no body my parents don't seem to care about what I feel though I had to leave all my friends at home to move for my parents dumb job! "I better skype the others to tell them I have moved from Canada..." I said to my self.

*You have invited nogla, lui, delirious, wildcat, miniladd, Cartoonz to join you on skype.*

As usual delirious covered his camera so no body can see his mysterious face.

"Hey, Hello, Yo." Everybody said  to each other.

"Guys I have an announcement!" I yelled as usual.

"what is it? Come on tell us FUCKBOI!" Tyler yelled.

"I have moved from Canada to America in (insert a country you think they all live in.)."I announced!

Jonathan's (delirious') POV:

I was shocked on the other side of the screen I was a bit blushing to as I heard that evan moved to where I lived.

"WOAH!" said David (Nogla)

"Awesome!" Lui said in a squeaky voice.

"That is so cool, we all live there." they all said more stuff like that.

Then I spoke "Awesome now we all can visit another!" WHAT DID I SAY I CAN NOT LET THEM SEE MY FACE!

"That would be the best we could all see each other face to face then." Evan said

"well good night everybody I gotta go to bed as EVAN called so late!" Craig (Miniladd) smirked

"ok good night everybody!" I said

"night!" they all said

Then I hanged up I can not believe Evan is here now but I have never showed my face to the guys we even go to the same high school and I wear my mask ,my teacher let's me but they're still concerned well I guess I will meet the guys and Evan tomorrow! My dad shouted up " ARE YOU DOING ANY DAMN GAY STUFF IN THERE KID!"

"Dad no I am going to sleep..." I said meekly.

As I tucked my self in I heard my door lock as normal my dad locked me in so I don't bother him at night he hates me.... well good night.

And that is all for now I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will be continuing if people like it so please don't hate and I will continue but that is all for this chapter the next will be Evan going to high school, Jonathan's high school so tune in next time see ya!


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