Camren: The Reason Behind Me

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Lauren's POV

The outline of the setting sun blurred as the bright yellow blended with the flaming red. The air was light and slightly chilly, I trembled as I pulled my leather jacket closer to me.

I walked along the shoreline of the beach aimlessly, admiring the fine white sand which was touched with the luminous pink of the sun.

I needed a getaway from my parents , the paparazzi and my girlfriend. Well, my ex-girlfriend. Two years ago, I met and fell head over heels for her. Right now, she's just one of those overly attached girlfriend who just loves to be by your side wherever you are. Honestly, I find that a prick in the ass.

Sure, I should've known that joining this music industry meant paparazzi, rumors and seeing my face on tabloid magazines. But seriously though, "Lauren Jauregui spotted getting intimate with Zayn Malik"? What has this world come to? I had a girlfriend for god's sake and Zayn's engaged!

My parents? They won't stop telling me that my homosexual behavior is just a phase. I'm really getting sick and tired of it. We've never been close and the fact that they refuse to accept my sexuality strains our relationship even more. It's not like I'll wake up one day to realize that I've been wrong about my feelings towards girls since I was thirteen and then have sex with the first guy I see. That will never happen. They don't control my life, I do. Besides, I'm already eighteen, I'm an adult, I'm old enough to make decisions by myself.

The cold sea breeze blew in my direction as I continued walking down the shoreline, making me shudder under my two layers of clothing. At that moment, a girl around my age sauntered past me. Her hair accessorized with a bow, blew wildly along with the wind.

She stopped in her tracks and walked into the cold water shuddering slightly. Grinning, she dug both her feet under the sand bed and wriggled her toes as she giggled lightly.

She reminded me of my childhood days at the beach. I loved running into the water and digging my feet into the sand. I smiled at the memory and then stared at the girl who was looking into the horizon of the ocean, the side of her lips tugging into a smile occasionally when a small wave crashes lightly into her shin.

By the time I realized that I've been unconsciously walking towards her, I'm already standing by her side. She took notice of my presence and turned to look at me with a delighted smile, "Isn't the sunset beautiful?" She asked.

"Yeah," I replied, "As beautiful as you." I added without filtering my thoughts, regretting it the moment those words spilled out of my mouth.

Way to go Lauren Michelle Jauregui.

"I'm Camila," She introduced, "You?"

"Lauren." I smiled, "So, what brings you here?"

"I just moved here with my family, my father got a job promotion. I heard that this Miami beach is the best so I came and checked it out." She explained, "And it's truly amazing."

"Yeah. It's beautiful." I agreed nodding my head.

"What about you?" Camila asked, "What brings you here?"

"I needed fresh air from my family and ex-girlfriend. They're getting on my nerves and in all honesty, nobody who saw me rage liked it." I chuckled, leaving the paparazzi part out of my little 'life story', Well, I love coming here. It's like my little getaway."

"Oh.." She mumbled, "I guess you're a -"

"Yes. A lesbian." I finished her sentence, cutting her off, "You can runaway now if you'd like."

"Oh no no. Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to run off because of that." She answered, "That would've made me a hypocrite."

"You're a lesbian too?"

"Bisexual." She corrected.

"Have you dated any girls?"

"Nope." She replied popping the 'p', "Just douche bags who wants to have a threesome with me and another girls since they know I'm bi."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She says getting out of the water with me following behind.

"Girls can be quite a douche bag too sometimes." I muttered.

"Really?" She smirked quirking an eyebrow, "I hope you aren't one of them."

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." Lauren answered cheekily.

"If that's the case," Camila smiles, "give me your phone."

"What for?" Lauren asked handing her phone over to Camila.

"I'll leave you with my number." Camila answered simply, before taking a selfie of herself for the contact photo, "Here. Text me whenever." Camila winked, before strutting away.

It's only been half an hour since I met Camila and I've already been whipped.

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! And please comment! (: by the way, I'll be going slow with this story since I have another one at hand - Nothing Feels Like You. Do check it out!(:

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