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'' Stop fooling around '' Dong Hua declared ,obviously getting annoyed.

"I don't believe that your name can't be on the Rock of three Incarnations" Feng Jiu grabbed a sword and slashed one of her tails.
Excruciating pain rushed through her entire body ,so she fell on her knees using the sword's tip to support herself.
Dong Hua stood there staring at the fox princess speechless.
Feng Jiu's tail transformed into a knife .
"My tails can willingly transform into magical artifacts " she said before desperately running to the sacred rock.
Running up the stairs, the young princess fell but she got up and ran up and continued running.
She started looking for Dong Hua's name, panting. Dijun's name wasn't written, which alerted her so she searched for her own name. But things got worse for her when she found out that her destiny was to be with someone else. The fact that her destined one wasn't the love of her life was killing her .

''No ... No.... this can't be ...''

Determined to intervene her fate with Dijun, Feng Jiu started carving the cold hearted god's name with her knife. However no matter how many times she carved , it would immediately disappear like the wind . Tears started slowing forming... Feng Jiu felt weak,she was in pain ...

She was about to fall on the ground, but Dijun ran to her and caught her. Before he had the chance to complain about her action she was already unconscious ,so he carried her back in his arms. Dijun was about to bring the young Fox princess to Qian Qian, on the way he met the Star god, Si Ming.

'' Bring her back to Qing Qiu '' Dong Hua handed over the young beauty . The star god remained shocked at the stubborn princess's state .

'' What happened to her ?'' Si Ming delicately took Feng Jiu in his arms looking at her with worry .

'' She cut one her tails . The pain of losing a tail is unbearable for a nine-tailed fox, so hurry up and bring her home '' As soon as Dong Hua said that, he left . The Star god couldn't help but hurry and bring back the little princess, otherwise her wound would worsen .As soon as Si Ming arrived to Qing Qiu he spotted Migu the Bai's loyal servant .

'' Migu !!!!!!! Take the princess to the High Godess !''He ran panting trying not to let the princess fall.

After explaining the situation both god and servant teleported to Kunlun mountain to find Aunt Qian Qian. At the gates of the sacred mountain one of the disciples helped Migu bring the unconscious Feng Jiu inside and lay her on a spare bed.
After ten minutes Qian Qian stormed in the room and ran to her nieces side.. " What in the world happened? "
"She cut off her tail " Migu lowered his head.
" Silly child, bring Zhe Yan immediately! "

After some time...

Zhe Yan finally came and did what ever was possible to do in order to save the love sick princess from her life threatening state. Everyone, went outside to let Feng Jiu rest... They all new the reason why the princess acted the way she did... So the moment Dijun arrived, Qian Qian came up to him .
" It's your fault my niece is in that state " she shouted.
" um.. Bai Qian.. Don't forget who Dijun is.. " Zhe Yan tried to calm his old friend.
"I don't care, you knew she had feelings for you and you also knew that both of you couldn't be together!! Why didn't you reject her in the first place??!?!! " Dijun stood silently, not being able to respond to the high goddess in front of him,while flashbacks of the Feng Jiu. appeared in his mind .

'' what is you lordship doing in this shabby hut ?, was it that you can't forget ?''

"I really like you Dijun"

'' the romance started in the mortal realm and it ends there ''

'' I took that shot willingly I need no reward ''

'' it doesn't matter whether you believe or not , my name wont be there ''

All those memories... Dijun had with Feng Jiu flew like a bird through out his mind. He felt some what moved by the princess's persistence and devotion... He never thought that after erasing his name from the sacred rock, someone would ever come to love him...
Dijun entered the room where everyone was staying and taking care of the little Fox.
"Aunty... " whispered Feng Jiu, smiling. "Can you guess who I can see? "
"Dong Hua Dijun? " Qian Qian sighed and looked up to the previous God of Heaven.. Signalling him to approach.. And so he did..
When Dijun sat next to Feng Jiu, everyone left them alone. They new that whatever should happen would happen..
When Feng Jiu reopened her eyes she immediately sat up and lay in Dijun's arms.
"Your Majesty... " the princess whispered while remembering their heavenly trial and the years they spent together...
" Jiu're (A/N: Her name is Feng Jiu but in Chinese, here " 're " is added to make a nickname )" Dijun brought the fox beauty closer to him .
" I'm really happy that you carried me home " she smiled " But... You're drenched , that makes me very upset ... In the future , we will walk home only when the rain stops .Alright? " Feng Jiu closed her eyes in order to enjoy her stay in Dijun's arms.
"You know in the human realm you were ugly" she mentioned.

'' Could I be ugly ?'' he continued staring at the injured princess , laying in his arms .

'' I was teasing you '' Feng Jiu giggled '' you look great in every form''

Dijun smiled at that comment , while the young fox was holding his long silver hair .

''I even cut off , my tail for you '' she said sat up comfortably in her lover's arms .

'' In my dream ...Shouldn't you reciprocate my feelings for you ?'' she stared into Dijun's deep chestnut eyes . Dijun's eyes widened his eyes ... He slowly leaned down to Feng Jiu's face and kissed her forehead before she fell asleep. The higher god waited for ten minutes to be sure that his Jiu're was asleep and he left .

some days later ...

Dijun feeling worried for the princess  decided to pay her a visit . When he finally arrived to Qing Qiu where the little fox stayed , he saw Migu running , panting apparently worried .

'' What happened ?'' Dijun stopped the loyal servant .

'' Greeting your lordship, but our princess disappeared ''

'' What !!!!!!!! How ?!!! weren't you supposed to be with her all the time and protect her ?'' Dijun said impatiently while and at the same time trying to control his anger ...

'' Yes , your lordship you're right and its entirely my fault and I'm ready to accept any punishment , but you see this morning I went to bring the princess's medicine and when I came to her room she wasn't there ...'' Migu said shamefully and lowered his head .

Dijun didn't lose any moment and decided to go back to his palace . There was the famous star god sitting and reading his book of fate , seeing the high ranked god Si Ming got up .

'' What's the matter , your lordship?'' Si Ying asked in his serein voice .

'' Bai Feng Jiu disappeared , and who knows where she went '' Dijun answered furiously while walking back and forth throughout the entire room .


'' She did WHAT ?!!!!!!!!!'' Dong Hua exclaimed after hearing Si Ming's explanation .

The Fox princess and the Heartless God. Where stories live. Discover now