Chapter 2

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Today is my first day of school....Crown King Boys Academy. Oh no, oh no, oh no, I'm so scared. Suddenly Brayden grabs my shoulder as if he saw how nervous I was, I smiled, then walked through the gate.

Suddenly, all eyes were on us, Brayden not being any help just smiled and said hey to everyone, "hey, you guys the new kids?" A really tall guy with black hair and green eyes looking about my age asked " sure are, I'm Brayden, and this is my twin brother Blake" Brayden says all cheery as if he's proud.

"Ok, c'mon, I'll show you guys around" then the guy started walking in front of us, waving for us to follow "oh, by the way, I'm Jonah" I smiled and Jonah looked down at me "you're brother doesn't talk much" "he's just shy" Brayden immediately answers and Jonah walks off with us following him.

Ok Blake, you got this, people have mistaken you for a dude before, why not now, c'mon you can do it, man I'm so scared, what if they find out and kick me and Brayden out?! What if some guys are messing around and accidentally touches my chest? What if-then my thoughts were paused by the classroom door opening for us to go in.

"Boys, these are our new classmates Brayden and Blake Capper, Brayden, Blake, please introduce yourselves "hey, I'm Brayden and this is my twin brother Blake" Brayden says excitedly as if he was waiting for his whole life to say that, I was so scared that I almost didn't say anything, but I was able to squeeze out one word "hi".

The whole class was silent, until the teacher spoke "ok, we got a shy one but no biggy, I'm Mr. Gilbert, but just call me Mr. G" he seemed nice, great, just great, so far one friend and it's the teacher, way to fall off the social ladder Blake "ok, now...can I separate you two? You're so alike that it's hard to tell apart" Brayden knods, hm, I never noticed how alike Brayden and I are, I guess we are similar.

"Ok, Brayden, you go over there next to Gavin" Mr. G said while pointing to a desk against the wall next to a red haired boy with brown eyes "now Blake, you sit next to-" suddenly a bunch of boy burst in the classroom "Justin Carton!" Mr. G yells to a boy leading the pack "hey G, seriously atleast I'm coming to class-" he stops once he sees me "woah, a new kid, this is rare, hm, he's pretty small and girlish" he says while circling me like a vulture " Justin Carton, take your seat, you too boys!" Mr. G says while yelling at Justin and the four boys behind him "now, boys, what you missed, this is Blake Capper and next to Gavin is his twin brother Brayden" then the boys turned to Brayden, then to me "ok, now, Blake, you can sit-" suddenly Mr.G realized there was only one seat left, next to Justin "next to Justin" Mr.G said, not too thrilled about it.

I walked over to my seat next to Justin "hey dude, you sure you're not a girl?" He said as if he wanted me to be a girl "umm, yeah" I said, man, I hope he doesn't figure out "hmmmmmmm" then suddenly his hand touched my chest, I can't do anything or else it'll look suspicious "nope, flat as a cutting board" I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or insult. After class was lunch "hey, you, new kid" I looked over and Justin was calling me "come here, I need to talk to you" he says seriously.

Then Justin leads me to the roof "what's a girl doing in an all boys academy?" Oh no, he found out "well......" He looked at me so curious "tell me or I'm gonna tell everyone you're a girl" oh no, I'm caught, I have no choice........(several minutes later) "so, that's it" I end the story "I knew it, there's no way a dude could be that cute!" He said shouting in relief "should I take that as a compliment or an insult?" He laughed "take it as a compliment" then we all laughed, until it struck me.

"Are you gonna report me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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