H e r o

98 9 13
  • Dedicated to Heros of 9/11 and everywhere.

The colors swirl and twirl.

Eyes go big of the young girl.

Lick your lips in anticipation

Anxious, for this exciting demonstration.

Time clicks close to noon.

The show is to start soon.

Jump in your seat like a dancing fool

Sugar rush as your fuel

Music comes and spreads thin through the air.

For the silence you couldn’t bear.

New friends you meet.

With a smile they each greet,

and your shyness you defeat.

Tap your feet

Dance to the beat.

Use your energy

and sweat heavy.

Click your tongue

and taste many.

The moment arrives

and the atmosphere thrives.

Screams pierce through the air,

rough, layered, and bare.

Try to shut them out for just a moment

But they are still there.

Focus on the event you came to see.

Beneath the surface, you squeal with glee.

Music stops and he begins to talk.

The crowd is silent

while just a few seconds ago they were loud and violent.

Lips brush against each other as he speaks

All around you bodies become still in defeat,

and you listen as his words make you grow tired and weak.

"Now lets remember those who lost their lives that day;

being strong and brave.

They fought so we could find a way

and our souls they saved."

"As you and I continue to live and they don’t.

Remember this past September

how they were provoked and their future revoked.

Don’t hold your thanks in your throat

If you must, lay it out in a quote."

Tears well up in your eyes, as you remember their finale goodbyes,

that were never spoken.

Hearts have been beaten ad broken.

They sacrificed for you to survive.

That alone allows themgreat pride.

They were honest and had promise.

Never self centered, and oh so modest.

He speaks again:

"Now to all you my friends.

Never forget them.

Say thanks till forever’s end

hope for them to rest on a peaceful bed.

And to the families…we wish their hearts will mend"

The silence carries on for a few seconds more,

but is then ripped up by a rough clamor.

Your heart drops.

Tears slip from your eyes

as the music pops.

Their light will never go out

It will always shine bright.

A future they were deprived for you to live with no fear.



Strength and


Tied together by rope

Pressed together tight

and engulfed by their light.

The qualities of a hero...right?

All rights reserved ©

Hey guys wanted to thank  Dolphin1girl for the awesome cover! Much in favor of it, and I hope you guys liked this poem. Tell me what you think of it. I wrote it in respect for the victims of 9/11 but I have not been able to write poems for a while so I hope it's not bad. XD VOTE& COMMENT! Thanks!

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