•^•^• Chapter 4 •^•^•

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Arlene's POV
I was woken up by my alarm going off. I got out of bed and went to over to Jongin's bed to wake him up.

"Get up Nini!" I said, vigorously shaking him.

"But I don't want to~" He whined.

"Kyungsoo would be worry if you didn't show up at school," I said. Kai shot up and said, "Kyungsoo!" He grabbed his phone and started texting Kyungsoo. Damn that boy is determined to see Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo is really affecting Jongin. Jongin isn't doing the "Kai" act around Kyungsoo and Areum. I shrugged it off and went to go get ready for school. I put on a shirt that says "NO THANKS" with shorts, a plaid shirt tied around my waist, and a pair of white Converse high tops. I pulled my silver hair up into a high ponytail. I did my daily routine and left the bathroom.

Jongin went into the bathroom to get ready after I left

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Jongin went into the bathroom to get ready after I left. When we he came out, he was wear a red, unbuttoned plaid shirt with a black shirt underneath, black jean, and black and white sneakers. He just combed out his brown hair.

We grabbed our backpacks and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat

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We grabbed our backpacks and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"What are you guys doing up so early?" We heard a voice ask. We whipped our heads round and look at the entrance of the kitchen. It was Eliana. She's one of our younger guild members, so she doesn't go on long term missions like Jongin and I. Jongin ignored her. There's his "Kai" act. I decided to actually answer her.

"We have a mission where we have to go to a school," I explained.

"Why are you asking us this now when we've been doing this for the past couple days?" I asked.

"The other times I've been sleeping," she said.

"We better head out soon, Aria," Kai said. This is Kai not Jongin. Jongin is the more fluffy and Kai is his cold and sometimes people would say his "sexy" side. We, more like I, bid goodbye to Eliana and went out to the garage. We hopped onto our motorcycles and drove off to school. Once we were at school and walked through the doors, people started crowding around us. I looked over at Jongin and he was so calm. We plowed through the people, but the people followed us. We ran to the dance studio and went inside. Mrs. Kim was nice enough to let us stay here.

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