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So heres part 2, hope you enjoy!!!!

(Blakes Pov)

I sat in the nurses office as the nice lady bandaged up my head, the only bad part is that I had to take off my bow, but she said it wasn't anything she hadn't seen before.

She was a skinny woman, with blond hair. Her eyes where a nice light shade of blue. She wore the usual nurses outfit, a white dress with a red stripe down the side, going just below her knees.

"So miss Belladonna, how did this happen?" That question hit me like a brick. What happened in the dorm. A part of me wanted to tell the nurse everything that happened with Yang, but my mouth was glued shut.

"A grim knocked me into a tree, that's all..." My voice turned low and quiet. I was honestly scared. I had never seen Yang like that. I felt myself start to shake slightly. A part of me was scared to find out what would happen if I told this nurse the truth.

I felt two hands grab my own. I looked up to the nurse. Her had a saddened look on her face and she spoke quietly.

"Miss Belladonna, if your in trouble with other students. Please you need to tell me." I opened my mouth and closed it. That's when the door opened. I looked up to see my teammates, well only two of them..

"Blake are you alright?!" My young leader asked. Her face held worry. I looked at Ruby's sliver eyes. In that moment of seeing her, I didn't have to heart to tell the lady what happened with Yang.

"I was thrown against a tree by a beowolf." I looked at both of them and by their expressions, I knew the message got to them.

The nurse got up, walked across the room and left. the door closed quietly behind her. Leaving me and my teammates alone. It was silent. Soft foot steps interrupted the silence. I lifted my head and saw Weiss her blue eyes starring into my amber ones. Her usually cold, bitter blue eyes where filled with an usual softness. She opened her mouth about to say something, then she closed her mouth and spoke quietly.

"Are you ready to go?" I nodded and slid down from the table where I was seated. I grabbed my bow and tied it around my black ears softly. Once I was done we started to walk. We walked through the small infirmary and out the glass doors with red letters spelling the words, 'Beacon Infirmary'.

We walked down the large hallway in silence. I looked to the floor. I honestly was afraid. It didn't help that some thoughts swarmed my head like bees.

'What if Yang was like him...' I thought. I hadn't noticed the small stream of tears that went down my face as I thought about it more and more. That's when I heard my leaders voice.

"Blake?" I looked up to her and realized that we where almost to our dorm. "What happened with you and Yang?" I looked down and decided to tell them the truth of what happened.

"Well," I started with a very shaky voice, almost as if I was gonna burst into tears. "We where in the dorm and I was reading, I went to check on her. She seemed fine at first." I remembered the look she had before I bothered her. She looked sad and a bit scared I would say... "Then she said somethings and I said somethings, Then she pushed me into Weiss' bed. I hit my head and ran out... And that's a summery of what happened."

Weiss looked over to Ruby. Ruby seemed to be surprised, Weiss looked worried. Then Weiss spoke.

"Blake... has Yang done anything like this before, to you?" Her voice was quiet, almost like a whisper.

"No, she hasn't." I looked at the floor. Almost a second later Ruby spoke.

"She has... " Both me and Weiss looked in shock towards our young leader. Ruby was starring down at her feet.

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