This is just something I thought about while listening to a song. Also this is very depressing and suicidal so if that triggers you, don't read it. (Song. Story.)
She works her nights by the water.
She's gonna stray so far away from her father's daughter.
She just wants a life for her baby
All on her own, No one will call, she's got to save him
And she tells him 'oh love.
No ones ever gonna hurt you love.
I'm gonna give you all of my love.
Nobody matters like you do.'
She tells him 'your life ain't gonna be nothing like my life.
You're gonna grow and have a good life.
I'm gonna do what I got to do.
Swifty was sitting on the couch. Today was Father's day but she didn't know her dad... She pulled her knees to her chest, sighing. Her brothers have noticed her depressed state, since she didn't want to help with robbing or anything at that fact. She watched Misty run around, giggling and playing with Rocket. "Hey Misty?" Swifty looked at the young child.
"Yeah Auntie?" Misty's smile slightly dropped seeing how sad Swifty looked. "What's it like to have a dad?" "It's alright. He loves me and takes care of me. He said he would never leave me." "Oh... Uhm do your auntie a favor and don't tell anyone where I'm at." "Okay auntie!" Misty nodded turning back to play with Rocket. Swifty sighed lightly, getting up from the couch and heading to her room. Once she got to her room, she slammed the door shut, locking it tight. "Why me..."
So Rockabye baby Rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye baby don't you cry.
Somebody's got you. (2x)
Swifty slowly pulled off her arm sleeve, staring at the scars that were so visible. She shook her head as she pulled out her switchblade with shakey hands. She pressed the blade against her skin, slowly dragging the blade against her skin. She let tears fall as she watched to blood drip off her arm and onto the now blood stained white carpet. "Why did you leave me....? Am I just that useless? I wish I died when I was born, but no you left me with the twins..." Swifty sobbed, each cut getting deeper. She whinced and dropped the blade, crying heavily. Swifty looked up at her nightstand, opening a drawer and pulling out a bottle of anti-depression pills that she stole from Sniffle's lab. "I'm better off dead... Permently." She opened the bottle, pooring 6 into her hand. "They won't even notice that I'm gone..." She paused for a sec, hearing loud heavy footsteps run up the stairs. "Swifty?! Open the door!" She tensed as she heard her oldest brother's voice boom as he banged on the door. She put the pills back up and quickly slipped on the arm sleeve, ignoring the burning pain. "Goddammit! Open this fucking door!" Swifty slowly got up, unlocking the door. She wiped her tears as she gazed up at her brother. He looked down at her with a worried expression as he looked around, seeing the blood on the floor. He panicked, picking her up and sitting her on the bed. "Show me." He stated with a dead serious look. "Show you what?" Swifty acted as if nothing was wrong. "Show me the fucking cuts!" He yelled slightly, get irritated. She looked up at him as she slowly pulled off the arm sleeve, staring at her bloody arm even though it was now dried. Shifty's eyes widened as he shook his head, getting up and walking out. He came back a few minutes later with a first aid kit. "Why?" He simply asked, sitting in front of her, on her bed. "There's no point to being alive...when you feel so empty and lost.." She frowned as he gently took her arm. Shifty glanced up at her and quickly cleaned and wrapped her wounded arm. He looked...disappointed? She couldn't really tell but she quickly looked away, not liking her brother's gaze. "Why didn't you talk to someone?" Shifty mumbled out, grabbing Swifty and pulling her into a tight hug. "Please don't ever do this again..It's been worrying me and Lifty." Shifty sighs as he pulls away from the hug. Swifty sniffles and almost tackled her brother into another hug, crying on his shoulder. "I'm s-so sorry..."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ahhhh that was depressing... I don't know. I was listening to the song and realized that Swifty never met either of her parents and in my head I was like "yes let's make my readers read something depressing!" But when I wrote it I almost cried cause Swifty was my first Happy Tree Friends oc. Anyways! I only have on chapter in process of being typed up and that's Sharing is Caring? So I hope y'all are excited for that XD

Happy Tree Friends Senerio
FanfictionI was bored and I started doing mini stories about the HTF characters and me and my friends OCs so yeah I'll show what the OCs look like but yeah XD wish me luck