Chapter II

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"Thank you sir."
I thanked the taxi driver. Who simply nodded and opened the trunk. I got off and took a good look at the campus. And the hundreds of students who went about their buisness. I took a deep breath and grabbed my suit case packed with my scientific items.

"Hello Ma'am!!"

I jumped from the loud female voice, turning around to see a lady with orange hair.

"Oh hello!" I Laughed.

"Did I scare you? I'm sorry! Please let me help!!" She smiled and grabbed my other luggage. "My names Flame! I know weird name.." She rolled her eyes. Flame huh?

"But I live with it. I'll be helping you out with looking for your dorm!"

I giggled. "No, not weird at all! I'm Bonnibel."

She smiled. "Cute name. What's your dorm letter?"

"Thank you. Oh Uh!" I looked in my little purse, which had a note with my dorm letter. Including my moms phone number. Which she forced me writing it in.

"It's Dorm C."

The orange haired girl nodded her head and started walking. I followed behind her, holding on to my suitcase and my little note.

"Here ya are!! Good luck with your roommate!" She giggled and handed me my luggage.

"Thanks.. Have a good day!!" I waved as she walked off.

A roommate. Whoever is behind this door might be what I hoped for. A smart young woman who is as genius as me. Has in interest in Science or Biology. Who I can have intellectual conversations with. Oh she might be the one. I took a deep breath once more and placed my hand on the golden door knob.

"This is it Bonni.. The moment you have been waiting for..! A girl like you!"

I opened the door to have the smell of a drug hit my face. I coughed. "Is that.. weed?" I coughed out.

"Nothing but heaven sugar!!" A black headed woman laughed. "So, you must be my roommate pinky."

I frowned. Pinky? Sugar? Who does this girl think she is?!

"Excuse me but I do have a name. I'm Bonnibel."

The black headed girl looked up. A blank expression on her face.

"Whatever. I'm Marceline. Make yourself at home."

I walked in the cloudy room, and placed my luggage on an empty bed. I looked at her side of the room.

It was filled with rock posters. She had a night stand filled with magazines, music sheets, and little cigarettes filled with weed. What? I don't know my drugs okay?

Anyways, her bed was messed up and she was sitting there tuning her bass guitar. A made-perfectly weed laying in between her fingers. So much for the roommate of my dreams.

She was so messy. And she does drugs too. Good way to start my semester. Or year.

I looked at my side of the room. My bed was empty. Of course. I had a little shelf above me. Next to my bed was a desk. Marceline had one too. Which was used to hold more papers. I sighed and started to unpack things.

"Okay Pinky, I'm going out. I'll be back!" She winked, slamming the door behind her. I rolled my eyes, and started to unpack more things. My goal was to make my side more tidier. Duh. Maybe make her side tidy as well. Who knows.


"All done!"
I dropped dead on my bed. Taking a deep breath. Finally I could relax. I smiled. Certainly satisfied with my work.

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