Chapter eight

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I quickly threw on the nicest thing I had, and grabbed my phone off of my mattress. I then headed downstairs, and grabbed the front door handle, that's when I would be stopped by my brother.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked in a jokingly tone.

"I'm meeting a friend at Kipreo's." I replied as I shot a wink at him, and walked out the front door.


The walk took me at least fifteen minutes, but I was finally there. I spotted Allison waving at me, and rushed over to where she was standing.

"Hey!" I accidentally screamed forgetting that there were other people around.

"Hey." She responded in a much more quiet tone as if she were trying to make up for my screaming.

"Oops, was I really that loud." I asked with a serious face.

"Yeah, but it's all good. What should we do?" She questioned, quickly changing the subject.

"Well, I guess it'd be helpful if we actually went inside." I laughed.

"Oh shut up!" She said before nudging me, then walking through the restaurant door.

We quickly made our reservations, and waited for the waitress to show us our table. Within not even two minutes they were set and ready to go.

"What should we order? I'm starving." I said while my stomach began to growl.

"Well I don't know about you, but I'll eat just about anything right now." Allison said with a smile.

It didn't take long before we had decided what we wanted, we quickly called over a waitress, and immediately listed half of the things on the menu.

Once the waitress began to walk over in our direction, the first thing I noticed was the delicious smell of our food. I couldn't help but wish that she was moving a bit faster, so that I could just hurry up and eat this food!

Now here's the embarrassing part, the second that the waitress would set down the food, Allison and I like the animals we are would, with no hesitation, just begin to shovel it down. So not only was the waitress giving us a disgusted face, but so were the people around us.

After we were done being animals for the day, we decided to chill at Allison's house for a bit, and just talk about what was on our minds. But for the whole time, the only thing I kept hearing was "HUNTER" I swear, that's all she could talk about, it's like she was brainwashed, and that's the only person she remembered things about.

But what can I say, that's typical Allison for you, once she has her mind set on a boy she just won't shut up about them. I can't say that I'm any different though, trust me, when I first lied eyes on Alex that's all I could ever think about. She was just so gorgeous! I mean just look at her flowing brunette hair, and her perfectly tanned skin.

For a minute I would begin to zone out, and just think about Alex, but then I heard my name called repeatedly, until it was finally screamed.

"Oh sorry, must've zoned out there." I mumbled before shaking my head.

"You think?" Allison questioned, before giving me 'the look' you do know what I'm talking about right? C'mon, all girls have them, you know there's either the "I'm sorry, please forgive me." Puppy dog eyes, or the "PAY ATTENTION TO ME, OR I'LL KILL YOU!" Look, or even in some cases, the "I'm so crushing on this guy, help me out look."

Of course, knowing Allison, it was probably a mixture between all of them. But hey, who am I to judge? It's probably just a girl thing, you know?

"So what should I do?" She questioned, completely throwing me off and making me feel stupid.

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