Part 1

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Bendy POV

Great just great. I can't believe this I have to visit him and for what?! I said thinking to myself. I gotta tell Boris about this maybe he'll come with me. ''Boris!" I yelled his name. I can hear his foot steps. "What is it bendy?" "I was wondering if you would come with me to Toontown?" I asked hopefully he'll say yes. "Sure but why?" "My dad" He seemed to understand they meet before so he knows what my dad is like."So let's get packing" said Boris going to get some suitcase. "Wait are you gonna dress like a guy over their" I told him I have to the last time I went to visit dad it didn't go so well I didn't regret what I did and I still don't.


"Hey wanna go somewhere doll"said a obviously drunk man. "No thanks I have to go" I tried to get away from this man. I was about to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pinned me to a wall. "H-hey let go of me!" I tried to get away but his grip on my wrist tightened. I thought I wouldn't get away. Why am I so weak why did I let this happen? I need to get out of this. So I pushed him with all my strength to the ground. He must of hit his head on something because he passed out. I wanted to leave but he was gonna do this to some other girl I noticed the ring in his Left hand. I grabbed a broken pice of glass without thinking I stabbed him I heard him scream I didn't care  I kept doing it till he stopped screaming. I left I didn't care I didn't regret what I did I left him thair on the cold dirty ground like the rest of the garbage.

End of flashback~

I walked over to Boris to help with the packing. He gives me a black suitcase with a tag with my name so we don't mix our things again. I decided to bring only a few dresses,a suit (for party's) normal clothes, shoes, hair products,and my art stuff. I should go check on Boris. "Boris are you ready to go?" "Yeah I'll meet you in the car Bendy"

Time skip to Toontown

"Finally wear hear wanna look around first?" I asked him. I wanna see if eneything changed haven't been here for a year. "Sure" said Boris snapping me out of my thoughts.

After looking around for almost 20 minutes

"Hey Bendy I'm getting kinda hungry"  "Well let's go to a hotel then go somewhere to eat" After checking in we decided to change Boris on some overalls he's still acts like a child but at the Same time he can be serious. Me one the other hand I wore a suit with a hat to his my shoulder length hair. We left the hotel and went over to a restaurant. I could hear some girls giggling and guys talking and glaring at me. At one point one of girls walked up to me she tried to flirt with me till I told her​ I'm not interested. Next thing I new I was  her boyfriend I think starts to argue with me. "You think you can just make my girl cry and get away with it" I didn't say anything I started to laugh. "You think this is funny I'm definitely gonna beat your ass now" I got up and without saying a word I punched him dead in the face. "Let's go Boris were done hear before were late" with that we left I could still here those the girls. "Bendy were is your dad exactly?" "Shit I forget to ask him I'll call him" I asked him and all he said is someone's gonna pick us up in town square at 6.

Time skip/ no POV

It was all ready 6 Bendy just wanted to get this over with. She already hated coming hear she thought it would be different this time. "Wear is he he was supposed to be hear 15 minutes ago" I should of just asked him the address. "Hey are you Bendy?" "Yeah you must be the guy Lucifer send" nether one of them said a thing. "Let's just go this is awkward" said the guy avoiding eye contact. Bendy agreed and the rest of the way was silence. "So what's your name?" "Cuphead but you can call me cup"

cuphead x bendy Where stories live. Discover now