lets get this party started !!!!!

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  me: Ok so this is the first my book and page so  and cuz of tht i have  have no dares  or truths or would u rathers ........ so  ~go's on line and looks up questions  untill u guys send me some ~ im doing to show u guys how this is going to work truth  is for everyone no matter wat  and u guy and pick one of the to do a dare or all of them ( mark jack dark and anti or me if u have question if u want you dont have to lol) and u can do if u guys want to the would you rather questions  u can do all 3 if u want one at a time have fun  !!!!!<3

me: ok lets go

would you rather give up cheese or oral sex!!!

jack: umm i go first i guess....... damn their both so great  i cant choose


dark: i feel so srry for  you mark


jack : fine i would give up cheese just cuz marks lips r so soft ~blushes a bit~

mark;~blushes like mad~same here

dark: i think everyone knows my answer......but yeah no cheese

anti: i  would give it up in a heart beat  i love geting my----- me: ~puts hand over his mouth and tackles him down to the ground ~thats  enough out of him .

dark:~ pulls me off of him~ u both need to chill

me  :~blushes ~k

anti: damn it that hurt  ya basterd!

me : not my fault ur pussy  ~smirks~

anti : u piking a fight with me ~grits teeth~

jack:~stand inbewtee us ~thats enough u to 

mark : yeah calm down u guys

me&anti : fine 

thank you so much for reading  it means so much to me
sorry if its bad lol
i hope u enjoyed
see u next time and leave me dares truths and would u rather

rated R truth or dare/would you rather danti/septicplierWhere stories live. Discover now