Confessions And Such

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What did you think of Jackson's entertainment?" George asked April.

"I've heard better singers, but he was highly entertaining."

"That he was. What do you say we get out of here and have a little party of our own?"

"I'd say that I'd swipe left on that idea."

"Come on, April." George says as he kisses April.

"I'm not interested." She says as she pulls away from him.

"Nobody but us will know about this." He says, shoving his tongue down her throat. As she pushes him away, she notices that Matthew and Jackson are looking at them. She flees and Jackson rushes after her.

"Dude, that was way too much." Matthew tells George.

"What the hell was that?!" A furious Jackson asks April.

"How the hell should I know?" She asks him. "I hate his touch, his attitude and- why is this even important to you?"

"Forget that. Why are you even here at this bar with me?" He asks her angrily.

"Because you brought me here! I don't understand what you're so upset about, but I am sorry for whatever I did to you." She says putting her hand on his shoulder, but he pushes it away.

"Don't touch me!" He snaps at her. "The Harlow Bar is my place, damn it. Not yours."

"Why are you acting like this? Because to me, it seems that you forgot that you were the one who begged me to come down here. You were the one who told me to get a life, you big jerk!" She snaps back.

"Well, I didn't mean mine! I didn't know you were gonna come in here and just take my place away from me. I would never do that to you."


"Do you see me going down to sing at the library or the church on Sundays? Well, do you?"

"Jackson, I'm-I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"All right, the truth is, I'm jealous of you." He admits. "Oh, God, that still leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

"Jackson, what the hell are you talking about?"

"April, the one thing in my life I've always been assured of is being the center of attention whenever it came down to the two of us. Oh, I knew I never had to worry about competing with any other man or woman 'cause I'd always win. But when I saw you sing the other night, I realized why all those men and Lexi were practically falling all over themselves to get to you, and that made my blood boil. Because, April, when you sing, you light up the room. You do. You positively glow. You're just-you're beautiful. And I can't pretend that your beauty doesn't mean a thing to me, because you are amazingly beautiful."

"Oh, Jackson, you don't have to say that." April blushes.

"Well, believe me, I don't like saying that to anybody. But it's true. You can attract people in a way I can't and I'm jealous of you."

"Jackson Avery, that is the nicest thing that you have ever said to me!" April beams.

"It is?"


"Hmm, not that you mention it, you're probably right. Most of the time when I compliment you, I'm rarely ever sincere. But I really meant that last one, I swear." Jackson reassures her.

"Look, Jackson, the Harlow Bar is not worth risking our friendship over. If you want me to stop coming here, just say so and I'll stop coming here."

"I want you to stop coming here, April."

"Ha! Like hell I will."

"Then what are we gonna do,? I don't want to stop coming here because I really love this place."

"So do I."

"Why don't we share?"

"That's a great idea."

"Let's just be sure that we both don't show up on the same night."

"You mean, like I would come three nights a week, and you come three?"

"Right." April confirms. "Oh, wait a minute. What about Sunday?"

"Oh, you don't wanna come on a Sunday, April. We men will be watching football all day long. We're drunk and rowdy and-"

"Yeah, you want Sundays, don't you?" April asks him.

"Please?" He asks her and she shakes her head.

"It's a deal." She says, hugging him. He nearly feels complete.

"Oh, April." He says, running his hand down her back. "April, are you ever jealous of me?"

"I'll lie and say that I am jealous of you every day of my life."

"You're funny." He chuckles.

"Hey, why don't we go out there and do a duet? Are you up for that?" April suggests.

"Sure. Do you know Cry Me a River?"

"Uh, no, I don't know that one."

"Good. We'll do that one." Jackson says happily.

"Oh boy." April says, rolling her eyes.

"Before we go back inside, can I give you something?"

"Sure. What is it that you want to give-?" April asks him and she is completely taken off guard. Jackson kisses her.

"Hey, April, the gang is-" Matthew starts, but he sees that they are busy. "Never mind." He says going back into the bar. A few seconds later, Jackson breaks the kiss and April is in a daze.

"So what does this mean?" She asks him after she snaps out of her daze.

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