Words dont hurt me,
They are just that; Words.
I'm cold, heartless. I don't really care,
Or they think that's what I am...
Is it really that dear?
You smile & put on the mask..
You act dear, You pretend...
But why then, darling?
When at night no one's around,
Why do you cry yourself to sleep?
Are they really Just Words?
Then how come there's nothing left of you...
Just shreds and pieces,
From those knives & those insults...
You can feel them dear,
You can fool the world, my love,
But what about you darling?
What about your soul?
I am an actress,
No one knows what's beyond my mask,
& it's better that way...
Those tears are for no one to see,
the sobs no one to hear.
The insults they throw at me,
They are swords, knives, remnants of my past..
This painted mask protects me, it is my wall...
It is going to protect me through it all...
Are they really going to protect you, my dear?
That shield, your wall?
Because u're getting weak dear & you know it,
The shield is cracking darling, it wont last long.
& when your walls will come tumbling down,
You will be naked, exposed...
The marks & scratches on your back & the cuts on your hand will be visible...
Who will save you then my dear?
Who will protect you then?
.......... I Don't Know ..........