Chapter - 06

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Wind played with her hair as she released them from a knot. As a feel of safety started to seep in, she slowly allowed her head to rest on his shoulders. Those broad shoulders rocked with every movement of his bike, but even that vibration felt like a soothing rhythm to her. Before she even knew, a stranger lured her into a peaceful sleep.

When she opened her eyes again, darkness was just making way for dawn. Her hero was lightly stroking her cheek in an effort to wake her up. His warm hand felt like heaven on her frozen body. A tiny corner of her heart wished for the moment to last forever. But her sensible self took over just in time. She jolted upright breaking their little moment.

Getting off his bike, she took notice of their surroundings for the first time. It was an alley just off the main street. A pair of LED bulbs kept the place away from its share of darkness.

"Stay here, I'll be back in a minute."

Parking his bike, the man walked up to one of the four doors that opened in the alley. He pressed the doorbell before waiting there patiently. After a minute long wait, his patience seemed to run out as he pressed it again, three times in a row. It must have been a code though because the door snapped open in an instant.

"Dev," A lady ran out engulfing him in a big hug. Clad in a simple gown, the lady didn't look old enough to be his mother, nor was the hug that caring one which some siblings would share. It was filled with a passion which could only emerge out of love.

"You made no contact. You didn't pick up my calls. It's been three days since we've spoken Dev. I was so worried that soothing might..." she checked herself just in time before speaking the inevitable.

After gazing into each other's eyes for some seconds, they again lost themselves in the comfort of an embrace. There was a sense of relief on both their faces, but hidden under it, there was also a look of determination too. And she admired them for that. The lady, for the belief she had in her partner, and the man for the sheer bravery he displayed some hours back.

It had all happened in a haze. The strong but rough hands of that goon pushing her to the car, the sound of a glass breaking, and the roar of a motorcycle as it stopped before her. At first, she had thought of him as just another thief trying to make merry of the situation. But he surprised one and all by lunging at her. Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her onto his bike. And just like he had come, he wheezed from the scene with her lying flat on his fuel tank.

As the moment passed over, her survival instincts had kicked off in an instant. She had hit him in the gut, tried to kick hard on his leg, even tried to throw off his balance by pushing at the handle. But the man had been stubborn enough to hold onto her. Thinking of it now, she was really thankful of him to do what he did. Because the goons were still chasing them and she didn't even wish to dream of what would've happened had they caught them. It was only after a series of lefts and rights had he stopped on a secluded road, satisfied.

She had to admit, the man had been really patient with her. She had behaved like a lioness, yet, his voice never left the calmness in its tone. He told her everything, his profession, this case, his plan, everything. After fighting with him for a couple of hours on that dark and secluded road, she had finally given up her resistance. It would've needed someone really special to calm her in the mood she was in.

And tonight, Dev had earned the status of being that someone special.

Aww, Natasha cringed at how beautifully the moment was described. She had gone to sleep after reading an update of The Adventures At The Phone Booth, and MrAdventure had surprised her by giving two more updates over the night. It was the best morning gift she could have ever wished for. With that, there was also a notification showing a couple of messages from him.

There was a choice to be made, and the characters won over the real person.

She was more eager to read their lives than what MrAdventure had to say to her. After finishing the first one, she was about to scroll to the second one when Riya shook her violently.

"Nat, we've reached college. Keep that phone aside for a minute."

Cursing under her breath, she tucked the phone in her pocket before starting a conversation with her friend. Soon, the bell rang signaling the start of their classes. As an obedient student, Natasha walked in right away. After all, she had the rule to abide, studies first.

Just wait for a couple more hours MrAdventure, I'll get back to you over lunch.


1st June 2017

Many times, I'm presented with a similar choice. As I turn on my Internet, the notifications start flooding for comments, story updates, messages and all. Though I have to admit that I'm not as simple as Natasha.

What I choose first depends a lot on my mood and many more factors.

Is it the same with you?
Or are you like Nat?

Coming to the story,
What secrets does the second update hold?
What's written in those two messages of him?

Stay tuned to find out...

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