When they get turned on

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Y/n was out with Akane buying who knows what...yaoi anyway's since Subaru was at her house debating whether to read some of her written books or just leave like an asshole. "She works so hard on these might as well read em" he takes one out from the shelves she owns in the living room and sat down on the green couch.

Reading on he didn't notice Y/n enter and look straight at him. "Boo!" She yelled making him jump up and lamd on the wooden floor. "What the hell was that for!?" He yelled getting up, "you look so into that book...I kinda wanted to uh well...." you twiddled with your fingers and swung one of your legs looking away. Subaru blushed at your innocence even he and his brother's knew that your far from innocent. It turned him on. "Come here you little fangirl!" Subaru yelled pinning her on the wall,


Feeling incredibly annoyed with the great 'Ore sama' "hah Ore sama my ass!" You snorted looking for a nimble little weapon to use on him. Amd what better place to look for than Rei Rei's room ne? Finding a silver whip on a table picking the thing up and snapping in your hands with a pull making a 'snap' you smirked attaching to your belt.

Walkimg out to look for the red head seeing him harass Yui you honestly didn't care of the slightest forcefully grabbing his red locks dragging him back to Reiji's room having a deadly look in your eye, "eh? y/n what the fuck I did now?!" Ayato yelled, "I don't know eat all my muffins for Akane!" She yelled hitting him in the face.

What she didn't notice Reiji following her with a tent and a bleeding to death nose. "Fucking hot" he murmured walking away in hopes to fix his problem men in this wrold have due to all the girls in the planet earth and vise versa due to all hot men from anime....and probably girls since I too have like females..pansexual here....


Shu was looking for her y/n since he wanted someone to cuddle with and he didn't want a pillow. "Y/n...y/n doko zari you?" He called for her to here her melodic voice in his favorite place, the music room. Smirking at the thoughts of y/n doing something he opened the door, yes you were doing something, that something is the way you move your hips and the way your licking your lips, and that turned him on big time.

You see upy/n was listening tosome music and to happily 'dance' when she wanted not that she would kill when someone see's her doing this childish act but hey! We love to dance well at least I do! Shu grabbed her waist pinning her on the couch where he used to sleep on alone.


When has he not? It's normal for you to arouse him without even you to know. Well now was one of those days when you did so. Ya see your uniform for school is revealing, your skirt until above your knee's specifically mid thigh, long grey socks connected with gather belts, a white blouse with the first two buttons off since you hate those shit, your skirt has extenders. Well why is your uniform like this you ask well you study in a different school from him.

"Ne~ Erowaka chan when did you get this nice outfit?" Laito asked when you were currently dressed in it. "It's our school uniform munmun, like it?" You winked at him grabbing your ribbon tying a braid on your hair linking them together. And brushing the remains of he hair that you didn't tie. Looking behind you to see Laito stripping himself making you slowly blush he pulled you in, and for the first day of your new school, yeah you were absent~


This is anither story. Y/n was strolling down the hallway looking for someone to play baseball with her, until she went out back to see Ayato playing basketball this time. Happily finding someone to play with you ran over to him.

You guys were playing baseball and luckily you haven't hit his face sith the ball when you shoot that's a relief! "Eh y/n wanna take a short break?" Ayato said seeing you pant and sweat a whole damn lot. Yui came bringing takoyaki you hated her cooking personally but ate anyway since you were hungry. Eating with the red head takoyaki lover some sauce spilled of it and landed on chest dripping down into your shirt. Groaning you removed your jersey and he looked at you black lace bra. "Nice one's y/n" he smirked. "Yeah, yeah asset" you sighed removing it to Yui's surprise and grabbing some tissue from Yui since she always carries one due to six blood sucking vampires drink from her and blood leeks out wipping of the sauce you didn't see Ayato licking his lips blushing at the sight of his girlfriend who doesn't give a fuck if anyone see's her in this state knowing she'd kick there ass down if did. Noticing your bra and jersey are dirty grabbing Ayato's blazer putting it on. "Wanna continue?" You asked not fazed.


You and Kanato were swinging well not really your just dangling your feet, you guys share on swing, him kn the actual swing set and you sitting on him and Teddy on you. Cute scene ne? You were licking a lollipop giggling at the sweetness it gives your tongue. "Like it wataga shi?" He said nuzzling his head on to your shoulder. "Hai I suki it!" She smiled leaning back on him.

She kept moving, and it drove him even more crazy than he already is. And the way you moan when you savor the sweetness of the lollipop turned him on big time, kissing you and slowly getting rid of your clothes.

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