Untitled Part 1

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Chapter 1

I have been planning to do this for the last seven years I am not giving up on this plan, on a perfect time to go "I am sorry Caitlyn but you can not help me, I'll just get you into trouble, I know it's a year early but this is my last and best chance to go. And this time I am not coming back." "But, Jackie you can't go jet. Just wait a year than you don't have to run, you can just move with me into an apartment," I just stared down at the one and only bag I will be taking with me.

It was the weekend which my mother was visiting her boyfriend in Miami. While I was home with only my little sister and a 'security guard ' ( the idiot my mother hired to make sure me and my sister don't throw parties , or run away ) . I know that if I leave my sister behind she'll be fine, the woman only likes her anyway. Unlike me she's pretty and was more talented at almost everything, meanwhile I was not even slightly beautiful I only had the talent to can sing and to make art. My sister is a sports hero; there is no sport on the world what she can't master in less than a week. While I always had to work for her I never got paid all went to my sister so she can spend it with her bratty friends, every day after school since I was 12 I went to work right after school and came back at eight p.m. and had to be in bed at nine because I just annoy them when they watch their AGT or their ANTM. And did what she told me to , I went to bed , read my book and fell asleep , always obeyed her orders and I was never to call her mother , and so I never did or wanted to.

I was planning on going tomorrow the moment the guard goes toe greet his girlfriend which happens to be the maid and sneaking to the backdoor of my mothers shoe store and running into the streets.

The maid did not come today and I was stuck so I needed to somehow get past the stupid guard and into the store. I told him that I needed to go open the store for the day a little early so the sale can work better, he felt for it. So I ran out the front door and into what appeared to be an angry mob of metallic roaring monsters that I couldn't believe was a street with cars. I went to the address of 17 Copper street and a little girl that looked as if she was going to scream with joy, and scream she did for her older sister:" Caitlyn!" she ran down the many stares and the moment she saw me she grabbed me and hugged me like never before and pulled me in by pulling on my wrist.

"I told mom that one of my friends was visiting today and she agreed to leave us alone" Caitlyn said while trying to remember what she was looking for." Got the tip money?" "Yeah, I hid it right over, here "she said removing a box full of money we colleted over the years. Exactly for this reason, and exactly for this day. "Thank you so much, Caitlyn. I'll miss you so much" I said holding back the tears until I won't be able to hold any back. "Same here. "she said while being as brave as she could because she knew she too had to let go right now.

It was freezing cold as I walked around in the darkness. Finally when I sat down on a table in front of a closed restaurant I opened the box to see not just the money we colleted but a sliver pocket knife and a small gun with some bullets in its holster so I hooked the holster to my belt loaded the gun and put the knife in my pocket and put on my jacket. I walked around looking for a park, I was lost because I never learned this city and I never left the shop because I was always watched and never knew how to get away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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