maybe they didn't

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Chloe may have pushed past Henry and taken her letters to Susan, laying the story before her, asking what she thought. 

She may have taken Henry's memories to the clinic, where Morgan showed her through to the memory decoder without any fuss and she combed through Henry's past looking for truth.

Whatever happened, Chloe decided to believe him. She let her anger dissolve, replaced by fear that Henry really was dying. Slipping away from her. And fear the past was eating her brain too, in a different way. She let herself feel what a future without Henry might be like and she didn't want that.

Hours or days or weeks later she slunk back to her pod. Henry was waiting for her. Her whole body tingled when she saw him and her skin buzzed when when she brushed against him, as if by accident.

"Anyone would think you're avoiding me," he said.

"Not avoiding you," she said, running her hand along his arm, "avoiding this."

She looked away and bit her lip.

"What's wrong, Koala?"


He came and stood in front of her, his hands on her forearms. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her back. "I should have told you."

Chloe felt all the space in her body mingle with all the space in Henry's body, as if there was nothing and everything between them. Cool tingles ran down her shoulder blades. There was a whole universe inside her, confusing and chaotic, a mix of shame and heat and fear and need. She reached her hands up around his neck and drew his face to hers, touching her lips to his lips, running her hands down his neck.

"We don't have to do this now," he said into her ear.

She buried her face in his neck. She could feel his pulse beating. "Yes we do," she said. There was no point resisting. They would impregnate her anyway.

She kissed his collarbone and he shivered. How was this possible? She stopped thinking. Somehow they both knew what to do. Chloe had never felt so aware of her own body, her heartbeat, her breath. Every touch intensified. A new sort of understanding.

When they had done the most unspeakable, impossible thing, Henry touched Chloe's face and smiled. "How did the mortals get anything done if they could have been doing this?"

Chloe laughed and kissed his chin. "Maybe they didn't."

Thanks so much for reading!! Would you have forgiven Henry for dragging you into this mess? Would you have given in to your seething hormones and had sex with him?

This chapter is dedicated to @tranquilstars - can't thank you enough for your comments and encouragement. 

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