About a girl who became a pop singer and realized that she was kidnapped from her family home and that she was a princess and that her father and mother were the king and queen of sugar valley.
one day there was a queen and king of Sugar Valley and them were the nicest king and queen you would ever meet then they had a daughter named Alexandra she was just born on February 20th, 1988 The dad of sugar Valley wanted a son but he was surprised with a daughter they were gonna name her Alex but they found out she was a girl so they came up with the name Alexandra she was very beautiful she had long black hair and she had lovely brown skin and she had the cutest eyes ever She was showing off to the entire world in the sugar valley Kingdom The day was almost over everyone had got to meet her she was very charming every one wished her well and hope to grow up to be the best princess she could be... But now the day had ended and as the mother of sugar valley put her daughter into her crib the mother told Princess Alexandra you will be the most beautiful Princess of Sugar Valley As she singed Alexandra to sleep As soon as Alexandra falls asleep she tucked her into her crib and see the door... But there was a sound at the window an Intruder Coming in to Steal Princess Alexandra They got in and Took her but the guards saw her and they chased after them but they got away The queen and king were heartbroken that they daughter has been taken..... They sent the guards all around the world to find Alexandra Even in small towns.
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