HyungYeon Monsta X Hyungwon And T-ara Jiyeon Pt.12

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Jiyeon: 왜 맨발로 된거야?/ Why are you bare footed?😕😕

Hyungwon: 나는 길을 잃었다./ I'm lost...😗

Jiyeon: 너는 너무 잘 생겨 여기에있다, 왜 내 집에 오지 않니?/ You're too handsome to be here, why not come to my house? 😕

Hyungwon: 너는 너무 아름다워서 다룰 수 없어, 내가 어떻게 그걸 거부 할 수 있니?/ You're too beautiful to handle, how could I even reject that? 😤😤

Jiyeon: 결혼합시다, 엄마는 내가 여기서 결혼 할 수있는 남자를 찾길 원했기 때문에./ Let's get married since my mom wanted me to find a guy who I could marry here..😘

Great Job both of you did great

Great Job both of you did great

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