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Hi, I would like to clear things up about this story to avoid confusion. In the chapter title when it has the names Ryan, Nina, Samantha, etc., that means it is in their point of views. In the authors note at the bottom I will call them Naive Nina and Ramshackle Ryan or N & R. Sometimes I'll even throw their ship names in there; Nyan and Rina.

Speaking of point of views
— Nina's will include correct punctuation, grammar, etc. while Ryan's will not. His sentences will frequently be jumbled up, some punctuation is correct, and sentences will not begin with capital letters. The reason being is because they have two different personalities, Nina's is happy-go-lucky and Ryan's is the opposite.

Also, I'd love it if you gave me feedback.
— I encourage feedback with everything in me. However, I'd love it even more if you'd be considerate about my feelings when you tell me. Don't be blunt because it makes me feel stupid that I wasn't aware of it. Be courteous.

Lastly, if you give a positive review I will dedicate a chapter to you.
— Put your review in the summary chapter I'm making once I'm finished writing this book. It will be featured in the first chapter.

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