Game night and School

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When we finally got settled down, we all got out laptops and started playing gmod for a bit. After a few hours, we all decided to play board games. We ended up playing for longer than expected. The guys decided to just stay over and we would all head to school together. 

We got up the next morning and had breakfast before heading out. I rode with Jon and Evan. We got to school and Jon and I went to the lunchroom. We waited for the first bell. After the bell rang, we headed to class. 

When it was time for lunch, Jon, David, Brian, Craig, and I went to the tree and sat talking. David's girlfriend even joined us. She's so pretty. So did Brian and Craig's girls. I always thought Jaclyn, Lenai( did I spell it right?), and Suni were very beautiful. Even though they are really popular, they don't treat others badly. 

Once lunch was over, I walked with Suni to our next class. I was so happy that she was like a sister to me. Even if someone were to bully me, she would stand up for me. She's even helped me work out at the gym and she is very encouraging. We sat down next to each other and talked until the teacher showed up. 

After class, I headed to my music class, I was happy that Craig, Evan, and Suni were in this class too. I sat down at the piano and played for a bit, not noticing the others were showing up. I finished the song Your Reality by Monika. It was from one of my favorite visual novels. I don't usually play that type of game, but I heard it wasn't all about the dating. 

I noticed there were people clapping. I looked over and saw Suni, Craig, and Evan. I blushed and got up and bowed. They all hugged me and I hugged them back. We sat down in our chairs and talked. The teacher told us to get with a partner for a project. I looked at Suni and she looked at me. We both nodded already understanding each other. 

We go over to a corner so we can come up with a plan for our project. Our assignment is to play a song where either one of us is playing an instrument or we both have to sing and both play an instrument. We chose the first option, although I did say we should both sing. Her argument is that she doesn't sound good, which isn't true. 

We decided to play Your Reality, I would sing while she plays the piano. I told her I would help with the keys because it does get a bit harder. After school, we both walk to her house because she has a piano we can practice with. 

We get there and I direct her to the right keys. After getting it all down, we try with my singing. I will admit, I'm not used to singing in front of others, but I tell myself I can do it. We had a lot of fun, Craig came over and hung out with us. He's in a group with Evan. 

I went home after a few hours. I got home and went to bed. Today was a lot of fun, Suni and I still need to practice, but at least we have a start. I got up the next morning not feeling well. I still went to school though. 

I got there and went into the lunchroom like always, but Jon wasn't there. I texted him and he's apparently sick. 

"Hey where's Jon?" Evan asked.

"He's sick."

Evan walked away to his friends while I was playing on my phone. I saw someone sit next to me. I looked up at him, but I don't recognize him. He looks Korean.

"Hi! I'm Hoseok! My other friends call me J-Hope!" He waved.

"Are your other friends here too or is it just you?" 

"They went off to find someone to help them around. Think you could help me around?"

"Yeah I can do that!"

We walked over to his friends that were scanning the crowd. Someone pointed at us.

"I think J-Hope found someone!" 

They all looked at me. I waved shyly.

"This is Namjoon, Jin, Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi. We call Namjoon- Rap Monster, Taehyung- V, and Yoongi- Suga." He pointed at everyone as he said their names. 

"Hi, I'm Kaydence. I heard you needed help around here."

They all thanked me. We surprisingly had a majority of our classes together. I told them that I would show them to their classrooms. We all walked around. 

*time skip*

It was time for music class. I noticed that all the boys are in this class too. The teacher told them the assignment. She also told one of them to go with any group they want. J-Hope offered to go find another group. He looked at Suni and me.

"Is it ok if J-Hope joins us?"


I waved him over and he introduced himself. We changed the song around so that J-Hope was singing part of the song while I was also singing. Once we finished practicing we packed up. 

"So whatcha doing after school?" J-Hope asked.

"Not much. I am planning on staying home tonight. Wanna come over and meet my brother?"

"Sure! Is it okay if they guys come along?"

"Of course."

The guys started following me to meet my brother in the parking lot. They all got in their cars, while I got in Evan's. They followed Evan's car till we got home. 

*time skip* 

We got home and the guys came in. They looked at Evan and were really surprised. He was the most popular guy in school. 

I went into my room and left my bag there. I went into the basement with the others following me. They noticed how we had a microphone set up for recording singing. Something I just put in a couple days ago. 

They asked if they could try it out. I haven't had time to test it yet. I told them yeah. J-Hope was up first and he sang Hope World. 

Why did it sound familiar?  Omg, there's no way it's THEM! 

I was a fan of K-pop, not overly obsessed, but a fan none the less. 

"You're BTS aren't you?" I asked them all.

They nodded. I was happy to meet them but didn't realize I was gonna meet them. 

*time skip* 

We walked back up to the living room and hung out for a bit. After an hour or two they had to head home. We made a plan to meet up in the morning. 

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