Chapter 1 - I Can See!

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Chapter 1 - I Can See!

The night is beautiful and the stars are looking astronomically stunning. Under the alluring stars sat a mesmerizing boy staring up at the sky with wonder brimming from his gray eyes.

"Feng'er! I knew I would find you here. I can understand Why you comer here every night. The stars are looking amazing tonight." Stated a beautiful younger girl wearing a blouse made out of dear skin.

"The sky feels amazing aswell." said Chin Feng

"How can you.."

"How does the blouse feel? Is the material good against your skin?" said Chin Feng cutting the girl off.

"It fits extremely well actually and the dear skin feels daziling. By the way how did you know I was wearing it?"

"Mei'er you know full well how good my senses are. When you arrived I got a wift of your unique scent aswell as the smell of the dear skin so I put two and two together." answered Chin Feng

"You know Feng'er, you're really smart. But you can be a real dunce. You know mother and father disaprove of you staying out so late especially so far away from home. let us return." Said Chin Mei while releasing a mix of emotions.

The morning after is the boy's birthday and little does he know, his life will change forever soon after.

On the way back Chin Feng had killed three birds while Chin Mei gathered a multitude of berries. When following the path to return home Chin Feng noticed the forrest being unusually restless. On multiple occasions Chin Feng could here and feel animals either struggle to survive or fight to eat. The creatures around the children were indeed more active then usual. Mice were running from hungry eagles while snakes were using that opportunity to entangle either the mice or the bird.


Half an hour went by and the charming kids had reached their humble hut in the outer skurts of the village. The hut the kids call home look like it's big enough to only hold two people at the most while it's occupation is actually four. In front of the hut was a curtain that served as a substitute for a door and the kids walked through it with smiles on their faces.

"Feng'er sweety your supper awaits you in your room." said a lovely voice coming from a caring women.

While saying nothing Chin Feng nods his head and proceeds to his room with Chin Mei not to far behind him. Since it's a small hut the twins have to share a room while the parents get another. Chin Feng stood at the door to his room as he sensed a familiar scent standing still in the middle of his room.

"*Sniff* *Sniff* Who is this? It's familiar but this feeling is off."

Chin Feng began to express confusion and his body became defensive of Chin Mei behind him. The feeling of the strange person started to move in closer. *Step Step Step*

"Who are you?" Chin Feng said through gritted teeth preparing for the worse.

"Dad!" Chin Mei shouted while pushing pass Chin Feng.

"Chin Mei! My loving child, how have you been? You've been taking good care of your mother and brother?" Said the man with a deep but caring voice picking up Chin Mei.

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