Barry thought
Hi name is Barry Allen I'm the fastest man alive. known as they Flash. I'm dating the love of my life Caitlin snow. Who would of guess right? I loved her ever since I met her but I realize I had feeling for her when Zoom/Jay took her away from me. I felt like a part of me was missing. That when i knew that I couldn't live without her and all this time it was her. Not iris. She was right beside this whole time. It's been a year now that we been dating. I don't know what I would do without her. She is my whole life. My person..I wouldn't ever forget her...not even her smile.. her laugh. Everything about her is so unforgettable. That what I thought. But then everything went wrong. It's started with one fight. One stupid fight..It just took one fight but everything that day felt different like something bad was going to happen and it he remember
The day it happen
Barry did you catch him said cisco
NO! I didn't. He got away yelled barry
What wrong with you today said cisco
I don't know. But I wasn't fast to catch Quaker and just a kid said barry
We have catch him before we can do it again said cisco
I know we will it he said thinking of what he saw.( Julian kissing caitlin)
Barry you know I'm here if anything said cisco worried
It's nothing I can deal with it and I know you here for me. But not right if it get out of hand all tell you. I promise said barry
Fine..but it's better be later then never right said cisco
Right! said barry
Barry pov
BArry was so mad that he couldn't think right. How could she let him kiss her. That when he saw julian in the lab.
Hey mate..said julain
Hi...your ass as he came at himand punch him in the face.
Thats for kiss my girl said barry
Ah..what hell man..I can explain said julian
There nothing to explain. You kiss caitlin said barry mad as he kept hitting him
That not what happen said julian that's when caitlin came in form all the yelling and saw julian bleeding
Julian..Barry what are you doing. Your going to kill him. Please stop said caitlin
Teaching him not touch what mine said barry
What are you talking about said cailtin worried
He kissed you cait..I saw him said barry as he punch him without stoping
Barry..please wasn't him. It was Quaker he was controlling him said caitlin
Still..YOU can't be that naive cait...He in love with you. That why he sticks around and you know it said barry.
Barry this isn't you. Your being controlled by Quaker. Please let julian go. That when cisco said that Quaker was outside the building. Wally get everyone out said barry. Quaker is trying to bring down the building down as jesse quick came to help barry fight quaker. Cisco and the team were left. Everyone out we just need the team said wally.
As jesse came back to help barry. As the building start quaking down as piece started falling. As walls from the inside came down. As wally came in a saw iris , jo and cisco and hr but no sign of caitlin and julian.
Barry I need your help said wally
I'm on my way as he left jesse to handle Quaker on her own. That when wally flash them outside. I'm going back in stay here. All be back I'm going to fine the others said wally as he look at jo and iris.
Far or near they will never tears us apart
Fanfictiontrue love has a habit of coming back even if you are apart or can't remember.What happen when agreement is the last thing they remember or do they.