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Luce's Pov

Where did we go wrong? Wait. I know. It started with that interesting experience at the gas station. Looks like the past is finally catching up. Like a great man (otherwise known as my dad) once said paybacks a bitch. Or was it karma? Oh crap here's come the sedative again.

Camera's Pov (security camera from last chapter that has been watching them)

[Friday, March 22, 2014 10:07 am]

-The girl was given another dose of the sedative-

-A boy {brown hair grey eyes} continues to be asleep-

-the other girl sits handcuffed to a chair-

-the other five boys sit or pace in the their rooms-

*turning off signal*

*signal has been terminated*

Unknown Pov ( the people behind all of it.. There's five people)

"I swear to god they look familiar."

"We can't take any chances who knows what they're capable of."

"Still this doesn't feel right."

"I have to agree with him on this one."

"So do I."

"I know I know."

"Babe?" Came a soft voice.

"Alex, hun, what are you doing here?"

"She won't stop screaming and growling."

"Damn we should have kno-"



"There was no way of knowing this would happen."

"Your right, your right."

"What is she screaming now Alex?"

"Something about one of the boys being her mate and she will kill us all for doing this." Alex whimpered.

"We just have to figure out what they're here for then we can figure something out."

"I know" she sighed, "I've just never been this frightened by Lexy before."

The bang of a the door closing echoed through out the room.

"Review the tape of the last few days."

"You got it."

(Both the people and the camera)

[Friday, March 22, 2014 10:34 am]

*coming online*

* Rewinding to Saturday, March 14, 2014 3:00 pm*

"Make it detailed, a lot more detailed"

*Going into First person point of view*

"Is that good enough for you?"

"Yes, yes it is."

*Starting tape from beginning*

"Let's get this party started!"


"Wrong time for that."

"Could of just said so."

"Are you talking back?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."

"That's it. Go to the time out corner."


"No buts go."

"Fine." The scraping of a chair sounded through out the room, followed by a plunk.

"Happy now?"


"Can we continue now or?"

"Go ahead."

*Now playing tape.*


Was it mean of me to end it there?? Well anyway double update yay!! I owed you this so here you go. If you guys are at all confused by this chapter or the last comment and I'll try to clear it up as best I can without giving anything away.


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