First Aid

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The nurse smiles, informing me that I just need some rest, and then I'll be fine. I'd apparently lost quite a bit of blood, and I could feel it. It seemed like a really crazy accident, and I'm still not entirely sure how it all happened.

The door to the hospital room burst open and I see my fiance run to my bedside. "Are you okay? I heard you lost a lot of blood, but I'm glad you're okay." He examines the stitches on the back of my lower arm. "How in the hell did you manage to do this? What were you doing?"

I bite my lip. "Promise you won't laugh?" He nods. "Well, I was just in the kitchen, and while I was cutting some vegetables..." He covers his mouth and I shake my head quickly. "No, that's not how it happened, though. See, I got this tiny little cut on my finger, but it hurt like hell, so I thought I'd patch it up real quick. I went to the bathroom and looked in the metal medicine box we have on the table, right?" He nods again, looking a bit skeptical. "Well, the edges are pretty sharp, because it's metal, you know...?"

He takes a small breath in. "So... how did you end up in the hospital with large blood loss?"

I look away, biting my lip before I look back. "...I cut myself trying to get a first aid kit."


"...I cut myself trying to get a first aid kit." - Lightningback, Speech Prompts, "Shit I Said Without Context #1"

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