Back In His Arms

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I happily dedicate this wonderful one shot to my oldest Wattpad buddy, MeganValentinex on the glorious occasion of the anniversary of her arrival on earth.  Mwah! 😘

She stood in the waiting area of the terminal.  She nibbled her thumb nail nervously as her eyes searched the faces of passengers coming out of the long walkway.  None of them would be him. She knew this. His plane hadn't arrived yet. But that knowledge didn't stop her heart from searching the dozens of tired faces coming through the doors. She had double checked the messages from him containing flight numbers and times.  He was definitely scheduled to arrive today and according to the hard-to-read arrival and delay board, his plane was on time. 

She saw another plane with blue accents land on the runway.  It was the airline he was flying in on.  Her heart began racing. She felt her eyes tear up and she hated her reaction. It had been too long since they'd gotten to spend any time together. His schedule kept him traveling the world and her's kept her locked in England.

She watched the loading walkway extend out to the side of the plane. She couldn't see who was walking off the plane so she locked her eyes on the doors. Her entire body was humming like a tightened wire. About fifteen minutes later the object of her affection stepped through customs and was wearily walking, head down, towards her.

Her hands flew to her mouth and tears poured from her eyes. He was finally here. Standing in front of her. It was their first time to be in each other's presence in over two years. He finally lifted his head and a wide, boxy smile spread across his face. He dropped his carry-on bag and held his arms open as she rushed into them, throwing her own arms around his waist.

"I've missed you," he murmured near her ear, his voice husky and sweet.

"I've missed you more," she whispered into his shoulder.

The couple stood still, not caring about the judgmental eyes of other people in the terminal. They were finally back together after what seemed like an eternity apart.

"Hyejin sends her love and said I had to hug you for five minutes just for her."

"Really? She's so sweet."

"Mmhm.  Megan, I know we talked a lot over video chat and stuff, but I really missed being in your presence." He smiled softly down at her and she raised her tears eyes to meet his.

"I missed you too, Tae."

"I want to give you a kiss right now, but um..." he looked around shyly and Megan giggled.

"Time enough for that later. Are you hungry? Tired? What do you want to do first?" She looked at him closely trying to judge his needs before he said them.

"Actually, I am hungry. I don't want to sleep yet because that will make the jet lag worse. So let's get some coffee or food or anything really. Sound good?"

She grinned and nodded. She didn't care if he had just wanted to crash and sleep. She'd be happy to just watch him snore because she'd be able to be with him in the same room. She reached up and smoothed out his hair that was a bit messy from his walk. He smiled and grabbed her hand. "Let's go get my luggage. No manager means I'm on my own."

Megan giggled and nodded. "I'll be your manager for your trip. You can depend on me."

The two walked hand in hand to the baggage claim. No one really paid attention to the couple as they stood next to the baggage carousel. Megan still felt nervous. "What if someone recognizes you?"

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