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I pulled into the auditorium's parking lot and chose a spot right next to the entrance. I got out of the car and got my French horn out of the trunk. I then saw my best friend Kendra. We had known each other ever since I joined the orchestra. She was a violin player.
"Hey, Kendra!" I called. She turned around and smiled.
"Terra! How's life?" She said walking towards me.
"It's going pretty good. Oh and I got that sticky valve fixed. I'm sounding a lot better now." I chuckled.
"That's great. I'm really excited for rehearsal today. Supposedly we're getting a new piece today. I'm just so tired of that Strauss piece."
"Oh I hope so. I swear if I ever have to play that piece again, I'm going to scream." We laughed as we made our way inside. We ended up getting a new piece and a very beautiful one at that. The piece was called Reverie by Claude Debussy, and luckily for myself, it had a horn solo. I was ecstatic. Practice had started at around 10 and ended at 2. I decided I had some time to buy. I drove off to the closest bar to hopefully hook a gig. Singing was one of my favorite things to do, and I especially loved jazz. I walked in and asked one of the workers to speak to the manager.
A tall middle aged man came out of what seemed to be his office and shook my hand. "Hi I'm Lance Gerald. You asked to speak to me?" He asked.
"Yes I'm Terra Jones and I was wondering if you were looking for anyone to sing at your bar for entertainment. Singing is one of my greatest passions and I'd really love to make a few extra bucks off of it." I smiled
"Well you seem to be a nice girl" he paused. "You know what how 'bout this? 100 dollars every night you sing, plus any tips you receive from customers. Monday-Thursday nights. It'd be great to have a little music here." He grinned.
"Sir that would be amazing! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.
"No problem sweety. I'll see you then!" What a nice guy I thought as I left the bar. I stopped by Firehouse Subs and picked up a sandwich and headed home. Today had been a good day.

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