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It's getting worse. I tried to hide it, I really do, but everyone just seems to suspect something's wrong with me. God, it is so annoying though. I thought their pathetic condolences would stop in a few weeks after their death, but they continue to haunt me everyday. I hope they realize I'm over what happened and stopped treating me like I'm a vulnerable little girl. If only they see what I do when they're not watching, they would be disappointed of course but also concerned. Honestly, I would be too. I don't even know why I keep going, I literally have no one and there is no point.

"Kenzie what're you up to?"
Right before I could start a new sentence, my roommate lurks her way through into my room.
I quickly close my little notebook and brush my hair back.
"I was just...looking back at some of my old notes for a test I have in a few days."
I lie.
" do know it's Friday night and you have a whole weekend to study?"
She replies.
"Right. I have no plans though."
Hastily I put away my notebook and grab a water bottle on my nightstand for a drink.
"I heard there was going to be a party at some random frat. You down?"
I grinned.

The next 30 minutes consisted of me taking a shower, shaving, letting Jillian pick a rather provocative outfit for $10, blow drying my already straight light brown hair, and putting on an a little bit of makeup. The finished product turned out to be a little revealing but super comfortable for some reason. Jillian picked out a white laced crop top with black ripped jeans, and white low top converse.

Jillian looked beautiful with her tight little black dress with matching black heels. Her wavy blond curls fell down her shoulders up to her petite but perky breasts. She was lucky to be blessed with the right amount of boobs while sometimes I feel like I have too much.

"You look so hot Mackenzie!"
Jillian exclaims but I end up rolling my eyes and tossing her the keys to my car.

We exit our little condo and enter my car. We lived in a small but nice neighbourhood, but no matter what it always seemed to have a sense of strangeness.

Once we got to a huge mansion far away from our little neighbourhood, we got out the car. The house reeked the smell of alcohol and drugs. Dancing bodies filled the front patio and dimmed lights with disco flashes filled the windows. The music was booming incredibly loud and seemed like it could be heard a mile away.

The reason I went to these stupid parties was not so I could get drunk or high and meet an immature boy for a one night stand but to literally just dance. No matter what, dancing with no care always took stress off me.

But tonight I sensed something different would happen. I don't know why but I felt like this night was going to be different.

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