Lambs Ear

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  The sun was high in the sky by now, sending rays of bright light down onto the snow making it shine in the sun. Lynxstar sat atop his den, enjoying the warmth while he could when suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Lynxstar!" she called up to the leader

"Yes, Brightpaw?" he said with amusement in his tone, he jumped down to stand in front of the grey she-cat.

"Am I becoming a medicine cat apprentice today?" Brightpaw asked eagerly, her blue eyes were lit up with excitement, she's been waiting to start her medicine cat training since a kit.

"Follow me" Lynxstar laughed, he led her towards Weaselspots den and slid through the thick wall of brambles with the apprentice following behind, she gazed around in awe and took in the strong scents of herbs.                                                                                                                             

Weaselspots turned, he dipped his head. "Lynxstar." He mumbled, his voice cracked.                    

"Hello, Weaselspots" Lynxstar dipped his head, he signaled his tail for Brightpaw to sit next to him, "This is Brightpaw, she'd like to be your apprentice"                                                                   

"Hello, Weaselspots" Brightpaw said and dipped her head, copying what Lynxstar had done. Weaespots narrowed his eyes. "Do I have a choice?" He asked, blankly.                                     

Lynxstar sighed, "I'd say no, she's been very interested in becoming a medicine cat her whole kithood" he told him. Brightpaw sat still, gazing around at every inch of the den. She glanced towards the two she-cats who laid sleeping in the back for a brief moment.                                 

Weaselspots glared towards Brightpaw, "Sure, whatever." he shot, heading off into the back of the den. Lynxstar looked towards Brightpaw, who was grinning with happiness. 

"I'll leave you to it" he purred before walking back out into the snow. 

Brightpaw padded towards Maplepaw and Snowpaw and greeted them, she took more time to explore the den with curiosity. She looked at the herbs for quite a while, then back towards the two apprentices with joy gleaming in her bright blue eyes.  Weaselspots lifted his head, sending an annoyed look towards the curious apprentice,  "Don't touch anything, you'll learn how to eventually, just, don't be so nice around me." Brightpaw looked towards Weaselspots and smiled, but quickly turned to a more serious face on his command. 

"Alright" she said, looking around the den a few more time to take everything around her in. "Settle in, make a nest next to mine." He padded towards a smaller den in the back which was protected by a sheet of bracken, it hung down from the small entrance to create a sense of privacy.

Brightpaw nodded and followed Weaselspots through the curtain, she made sure to keep her excitement under check but she was doing a poor job, she could barely hold it in. "Okay!" she exclaimed, quickly turning her smile to a a straight face she corrected herself "Okay, thank you, Weaselspots." Weaselspots couldn't help but smile at her. 

"Your actions are funny." He said sternly, moving his nest towards the wall so she could have space. She turned back into the main den, giving the two apprentices a quick nod in greeting before padding out to collect moss. Brightpaw ran into the den moments later with a mouthful of moss, she slowed down before she could reach the back room where the nests were located so she wouldn't disrupt anything. She set down the moss in a messy pile, and then quickly turned it into a proper nest. 

"My Starclan." His eyes widened. "Chill, relax. Its gets boring in here, you're lucky you get to actually learn." he hissed, thinking of Vicelark. 

Brightpaw looked to him and nodded, "Maybe it'll be less boring with an apprentice" she meowed, keeping a straight face but her eyes were gleaming with joy. 

"I have enough apprentices in this den." he laughed, looking a the other two apprentices in their nests. "So, you want to go out and get some herbs with me?" he asked, padding towards the entrance of the den. Brightpaw took a quick glance at the two apprentices, both were resting in their nests. She smiled at the thought of collecting herbs. 

"Okay" she nodded and followed him through the snow into the white, bare forest. 

"Now, there aren't much herbs out here, but if we go towards the twoleg territory, I bet we could find lambs ear." He said, marching through the snow. It clumped his belly fur and stuck to his paws. "Do you know what it looks like, smells like, and grows? Oh! A when it grows?" He asked again, adding on.

 Brightpaw thought for a second, squinting her eyes. "I know it's soft, and pale green. I've never smelled it before though and it can grow in" she trailed off in thought, her eyes widened when she came up with an answer. Remembering Feathershine telling her about some herbs, "It can grow in the shade, and scarce conditions!" 

"Correct, it's smell is bland, but it smells at bit like dust." He commented, entering the twoleg garden. "Careful." He mewed, sinking into the snow, he crept towards the garden. "Mind picking it?" He asked, looking at the several leaves. 

Brightpaw entered the twoleg garden following right behind him, she heard his question and padded towards the leaves. She picked them up in her jaw, careful not to ruin the soft leaves. She lifted her head to make sure the leaves didn't get drenched in snow as she walked

"You're fine, they don't soak up the melting snow." He nodded, helping her out. "Back to camp now" He said, padding in front of her to take the lead. 

Brightpaw put her head back down, "Okay" she said, the leaves muffled her voice. She followed after him, taking a look at the snow covered forest around them, her fur was splattered white with snow by the time they got back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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