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「 case 」

[ none are yoongi's pov ]

"Yah itss Yoongi's birthday this wednesday!" Hoseok said, surprising everyone because of his terrified face. "It's you guys' fault he became that brainless robot again. He heard it all and now his brain said not to move on? Can't you guys see these days he sent through a lot, he tried to have a normal expressions as a human and now he's back." Jimin sigh, not bothering to make eye contact with the others.

They're talking with that title again. "Seungmin's the one at fault. She left him and us, without any clues or what! She can't just rest in peace like that." "Calm down, Hana." Rayeon just stare at them, an argument was about to start again.

You know what that Hana keeps on blabbering, she never liked her at the first place. Little did you know Hana had a relationship with her protective and caring ex. No wonder she didn't got accepted. "She left because she have he own reasons. You can't butt in, you know nothing, Hana-ssi. We will never know what's behind her happiness. Stop making your own negative thoughts about her." Jimin once again spoke calmly for them to hear.

Jungkook scoffed and looked away when Hana rolled her eyes over the boy. Jungren that sits next to him then pat him slowly with proud, making him stare in confuse. "You seemed to care so much for Yoongi. You learnt well, my child." She said to Jimin.

Continuing the conversation, Yoongi was on his way down, then walking out straight again. "Woa woa woa, where is he going with that serious costume on?" Jaebum ask, making them stare at the closed door. True tho, he used to wear a simple outfit like just hoodies and skinny jeans.

Yoongi on the outside was fixing his cloth and soon, far out of sight. "May i help u sir?" The guy in front of him asks as he stare at him.

"Last year's incident, the missing girl death case."

Hours he spent at the station so he ask permission to go home with the paper in his hands. He got original and not the copied one somehow begging it before. Walking pass by them once again, receiving only stares, glares and curious looks. He just stomp his way lightly to her room, closing it like slamming it.

He's tired, he don't want this to repeat again, he don't want others to get into this problem.

Yoongi set the room nicely, pouring every drop of gasoline in it. He stood still with the paper in his hand and a small thing called matches that have fire burning on its tip.

He let his tears flow softly down his cheeks and fell on the paper. "Why are you haunting me.. why did you keep on appearing in my mind?!" His vision was blurry, the tip of the fire was about to reach the paper.

Jimin ran upstairs, the others ignored him, tired of it. He slam the door open, snatching the thing out of the boy's grip. "Yoongi, you insane brat, stop doing this!"

i love yoongi as an insane brat :')))

seeing you guys reacting would make me happy :')

08 june 17

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