Chapter 14

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(Jayda POV)
It's been 2 months since Molly had her baby. I'm 6 months now and I date mark but I know Yb is going to say something about it but I don't care me and him is not together. After all Yb did I still got love for him. Mark know I'm pregnant but I don't want my daughter to see him as her daddy. I was snapped out of my thoughts.
"Baby do you want something to eat?" Mark asked
"Umm no I'm just thirsty." I said
"Okay I'll get it for you." He said
"No I got it. I'm pregnant not crippled." I said getting up. I hate when always he wants to do something for me.
"Umm okay imma go to the store." He said a little disappointed and once he left I called Molly
"Wassup girl" Molly said feeding Bryson
"Girl I needa get out the house and go baby shopping, will you and Cuban come?" I asked
"Yeah let me get ready and go get Molly then we're on our way." She said and I hung up as I got in a 30 minute shower and got out as i lotion down then put on a Nike sports bra and the matching shorts putting on my all black fenty slides. Then I sat on the couch and waited on them as Mark walked in and looked up at me then I started sniffing and he smelled like weed and liquor.
"Where you going?" He asked trying kiss me and I pulled away
"I'm grown I go where I want." I said he grabbed my arm
"Man where you going?" He asked again I snatched away
"I'm going to see my side nigga." I said grabbing my phone and purse
"Man don't play with me." He said getting mad
"Yeah whatever." I said walking out to Molly car
"Hi my favorite bitches." I said then looked at Bryson and kissed his cheek
"Hey bitch." Cuban yelled
"Can y'all shut the fuck up with all that yelling?" Molly asked
"No!" We said at the same time as we pulled up at the mall
"But y'all guess what?" I asked them and they looked at me
"What should I name her?" I asked
"Oh name her kylee or kaylen or kaylee!" Molly said
"Oh I like kylee." Cuban said
We went to 5 different stores and left to Molly house and I hugged them and Cuban took me home
"Bye Cuban." I said getting out and walking to the door and opening it. The smell of liquor felled my nose as I walked the bags to the baby's room and then went to mine I saw Mark and he got up and grabbed me by my neck
"Why the fuck you smell like a nigga?" He asked and tighten his grip
"I wasn't with no nigga. I was only with Molly and Cuban. I said trying to move his hands
"Don't lie to me!" He yelled making me jump
"I'm not lying." I said as I tried catching my breath then he let go and I got in bed going to sleep til I felt his hands around me and I fell asleep. A couple hours later I had to piss I tried to get up but he was wrapped around me too tight
"Where you going?" He asked half sleep
"I gotta go to the bathroom." I said as he moved his hand and I got up went to the bathroom then to the baby's room talking to her as I put her clothes up

"Hi baby it's mommy. I know you ready to come out but I'm ready for you to come out. But imma get you outta here far away from him. I want you to know I love you and your daddy does too. You're gonna be a momma girl and your gonna be spoiled. Imma name you kylee hope. I really like that name. Your god momma picked that name out. I know you saw what happened to mommy earlier and I'm sorry you saw that. I really miss your daddy. And I know he miss me too. You have so many clothes baby just wait til your baby shower. What colors do you like? I like pink and purple so that what's the colors is. I love talking to you at least you know how to listen to me. Imma go to grandma and grandpa house then imma take you to grandma karma house and she is really funny. Baby I really love you and can't wait to meet you." I say as I rub my belly and finish putting her things up then went to the guest room and fell asleep til morning.

I woke up to someone yelling my name. I jump up out of my sleep.
"Why are you calling my name?" I asked
"Where the fuck are you at?" Mark said
"I'm in the guest room." I yelled going back to sleep then to feel somebody drag me on the floor
"Why the fuck would you do that?" I asked rubbing my stomach as I slid on my shoes grabbing my keys
"Where the hell you going?" He asked
"None of your business"I said walking to my car then driving to Yb house and got out and knocked on it as Ben came to the door
"Wassup sis." He asked
"Umm nothing just needed to get out the house" I say walking in and saying hi to everyone then sit next to kentrell as I put my head on Ben shoulder then fell him staring at me
"What you looking at?" I ask sitting up
"What the hell is that on your neck?" He ask I get up and go to the restroom and look in the mirror at the bruise
"So who did that?" He ask making me jump
"Mark did it." I say lowly
"Who? I can't hear you." He say
"Mark did it. Okay?" I say starting to cry then he hugs me and tells me stay at his house for a few days but I don't care so I say okay and we go back in the living room and watch movies with everyone.

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