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I sat on my knees as blood poured from my mouth . My head started spinning , I tried to get up and reach to grab her but failed . Falling on the floor on to my stomach I cried out in more pain from landing on my stab wound . "Please just let her go , she the only thing I have left !" I begged .
She was muffled with a old dirty sock and tapped and roped around a steal chair , crying , crying like never before , crying out in hopes to live . I felt so guilty. How could I let it get this far ?
I was losing so much blood and fast , in the matter of a minute I blanked in and out of consciousness. I heard guns cocking and loud screams , but I lost so much blood. I couldn't do nothing but lay there on my stomach and cry , I couldn't scream , couldn't beg , couldn't walk , just look and hear I felt hopeless as I looked around the dark cold basement, trying to regain my sight that started to become blurred , till it was pitch black , soon after my hearing left when the gun sounded .

To Young To Love A Thug (under editing ) Where stories live. Discover now