Chapter 1

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"Jamari you been sleep the whole ride here ,  and I have already unpacked the truck , so I think you can get the last box " my daddy says sticking his head in the window of the truck .
I sighed , rubbing my eyes awake and letting them adjust to the sun .
"But daddy I'm tired " I whimpered . He ignored me and walked back into my moms apartment . I could tell me moving back in with my mom is something that is breaking his heart , but something he also should keep in mind is I didn't ask to move back to this ghetto ass place he made me ! Saying "oh it's for the best " , "you'll understand someday " . I thought it was all bullshit .
I jumped out the truck , almost falling down but caught myself on the handle of the door . My legs where still sleep from the long ride to New Orleans to Atlanta. I usually when we visit we fly , but since I was moving back here to this hell hole he drove .
I pulled my shorts down In the back and walked around to the back of the truck grabbing my last box .

I jumped in fear Turing around hitting my boyfriend drake in the arm . His laugh showed off his perfect teeth and his smile shows off his perfect cheek bones . I stepped back to see all the new tattoos he must of gotten while I was away . There was tattoos wrapped around both of the sleeves of his arm . I like them they made him look more rough around the edges just like I like them. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me the biggest hug ever .

"Mhm , Baby I Missed You "

"I've missed you too " I coohed 

Me and drake been on and off for 2 years now , we broke up a couple times because he had problems with committing hisself to one person and act like a boyfriend but I thought since I was permanently coming back I'll give him one more chance .

When we pulled away he looked at me in so much lust with his chocolate brown eyes , I missed them so much , I also missed the way he holds me like I'm the only girl that matters too him , even though In the back of my head I know I'm probably not the only one

"What Are you Doing Today , We Should Chill "
He said licking his lips . I sent direct chills down my spine . But I know he only probably was trying to fuck . Damn Jamari think fast .

"Aww , Bae I Have To Unpack "

He Pulled Me Into Another quick hug   " Alright well hit me up whenever you get a chance ", He Said Letting Go , walking away

I grabbed the box off the ground I dropped when drake scared me .

As I Approach My Moms , House I heard My 'Mother ' and Daddy Fussing , ughh .

"You Piece Of Shit ! Don't Ever Throw That In My Face Cause You not perfect either"
,My Moms Said Standing On Her Tippy Toes . Me and My Ma is The Same Size and Shape And We The Same Height , People Say She Look Like My Sister , She 30 So She Had Me At 15 , and She Still Look 18 , I Guess she Got Stuck In age , My Mom Is Beautiful , But Its The Shit She Do That Make Her Look Ugly  .

I Step Between Them , Cause I Can Tell My Daddy Trying Not to hit her.

"STOP ! YELLING AT EACH OTHER ! I Yelled Making Them Cease .

My Mama , Picked Me Up and Squeezed Me Tight , I Waited A Minute To Hug Her Back She Stil My Mother , I Still Love and Miss Her Though but we never got along .

She Let Me Go , And Pulled Me Into Another Hug . My Little Sister Amari Ran And Hugged My Leg .I Picked Her Up and Spain Her Around .

"i missed You Sissy "She Said Hugging my Neck . I Love My Little Sister To Death , She Is My Everything , she was a mini version of me and my mom

Amari was four with i head full of hair that always seem to cover her face whenever my mom didn't bother to do her beautiful curly hair .

I Felt a Tear Slide Down My Face , looking at how amazing she was and full of life . I hope this hood we live in don't suck her up and wash her away like it did my mother.

"Awww , I Miss You To BabyGirl , you've gotta soo big  "

"Then Why are You Crying " She Said Wiping My Tears .

I Smiled "These Are Happy Tears " i simply replied

I walked out my dad holding his hand , I could see the pain flash through his eyes , Like I never seen before. Me and my daddy are close , and I'm grateful for that because I know a lot of other girls wish they had a bond with their daddies. So I called myself blessed.

Even though I'm mad at him right now for making live with my mother, I still love him . I don't understand why he don't think it's a good idea for me to stay with him In his nice big house other then staying with my dope head mother in  the hood . Yes I'm from here But I had better opportunities living with my daddy

he never led me wrong so I had to trust his judgement. "Bye daddy, when we you come visit ?"

He stared at me with a guilt look . "Soon baby girl " he simply replied , not making eye contact , that's how I knew he was lying , He was acting weird , but I chose not to keep pushing the topic ,I hugged his neck and kissed his cheek . " I love you daddy call me when you make it home " I said stepping back from the truck .
"I love you baby " he said waving me bye .
I walked back in the house and started unpacking.

When I finished I got in the shower , it felt so good when the hot water kissed my skin . I began to lather my body with soap , I began to relax and unwind , I put my head under the water making my sandy brown hair curl into deep curls , i applied my shampoo and started scrubbing my scalp

I could hear the toilet being flushed from the floor above our bathroom, and the water instantly got freezing cold

ugh Im going to Be sick. i thought . I hurried and washed out the shampoo in my head with the cold water.

I Got Out The Shower And Put On My Victoria secret Pink Bra And Panties Set , Slid On Some Shorts And A Tink Top And iPut On My Socks and Slides . I Stumped Pass My Mamas room and into the living and out the door and I continue to march up the flight of steps . I knocked loudly over the loud music that was blasting

"Who and the hell banging on my door " I heard before The door flew Open .

There Stood , A 6'1 Tall Light Skin Guy With Red Lips Tattooed On His Neck , and Sleeve  of Tattoos On One Arm. He Had On gym ShortsAnd I White wife Beater On . I Couldnt Help But Stare , he kinda reminded me of drake

I Guess he Noticed That I Was Starring ."May I Help You ? " He said as the angry expression turned into a cocky smirk .

I snapped out my trance bringing my eyes back to his  i folded my arms in front of chest , And Rolled My Eyes "Can You Please Not Flush The Toilet While I'm In The Shower? " I asked with a bit of an annoyed tone

"Oh , My bad cutie " the grin on his face and tone was laced with trouble, I always attracted trouble .
I Heard Him Laugh as I walked away Immature ass , I Said Under My breath .

To Young To Love A Thug (under editing ) Where stories live. Discover now