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Embrey's pov

Paul is sending me major evil eyes. I know victors his lill brother but he's my imprint and I would never hurt him or put him in danger. I would rather rip my own heart out. Pulse I don't even know what our imprint is. I feel like more than a friendship bond but I don't know what victor feels. But I would never pressure him into anything. I will be what he wants me to be. But I'm also happy that it's a mutual imprint. I could see it in his eyes. We both have a bond connecting each other. I look down at him, fascinated and totally checking him out. He is a beautiful wolf. A solid white wolf with his trade mark green eyes. He is about a head shorter than I am and a lot more streamline. He looks like he I built for speed and agility. He is stunning.

"Embrey, I don't know what's happening between us. I feel different and its scaring me"

He looked so small right there. He obviously forgot that the others could hear to as they both cast us worried glances. Paul more than Sam as it's his brother were talking about. We are still walking but slower than them. I looked into those clear green eyes, hating the fear I could see reflected in them.

"don't worry victor, it will all be explained when we reach Emily's. Just know that you are not alone in this."

"ok but I hope I get a bloody good explanation to the shit that just happened."

Time skip to Emily's

I sitting on Emily's porch with victor right beside me. Sam had just finished telling him all about the legends, vampires and the treaty between the cullans. When Sam told him about imprinting he turned to me and demanded that we talk. We have been sitting here for about 20 minutes now.

I see him move so I turn to face him. He has such a innocent and venerable excretion that I feel my heart skip a beat. He takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh, running his hands through his black hair.

"so, I'm your imprint and you are mine."

"you could say that."

He reached out towards me and brushed his long slender figures across my skin. Starting at the base of my neck, running up to my right cheek. His soft warm fingers felt so right on my skin, I just melted into his touch. His face held a look of wonder and care. I could proudly say that I loved that look.

"so what does that make us. Friends, protector or lovers. I will not force u into anything. So need to know what your feelings are."

Victors pov

Embrey looked at me with so many emotions I could not tell what they were. He was leaning into my touch as I still had my hand resting on his face. I needed to feel grounded and connected to him. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I feel a deep connection to him and I can't figure out what this feeling is. I know I'm attracted to Embrey and he is hot, but I don't want for him to feel differently to what I do.

My focus is brought back by Embrey's hand cupping my cheek. Mirroring my own. His thumb brushes softly over my bottom lip. I my eyes never leaving his. They are such a deep brown, so beautiful. I start to lean in closer as he does the same. Still holding eye contact, but slowly my eyes slip shut. I've never kissed anyone before but when our lips connected I could feel my world shifting. It was all fireworks and sparks. This feeling is beyond friends and even beyond lovers. We are connected deeper than any mundane tie. He is my life line. After what feels like hours but is but seconds we break the kiss for air. I'm breathing hard and so I he. My eyes are still closed. Savouring the moment. I hear him let out a breathy chuckle and feel his hand stroking my face. I lean into the palm for his hand seeking more warmth.

"dose that answer your question. If not, I'm happy to try again."

I look at him and can't help but chuckle and grin at his words. I'm tempted to say no but I have something better in mind. I lean forward and give a quick kiss, only a peck but a kiss. As I sit back into my original position we are both grinning like idiots. I hear the back door open, I turn my head and see Paul standing there. both Embrey and I stand so we are facing him. He calmed down on the way hear so we don't have to worry about him freaking out on us. He looks between us and raises a brow in question.

"I can see your talk ended well judging on your stupid grins."

I blush and look to Embrey seeing him in the same state as me. Paul snorts in amusement as we both probably look beet red. He then goes serious again and focuses on Embrey. Almost staring him down. A look of brotherly protectiveness settles over his features.

"you hurt my brother and ill kick your ass from here to next week got that. And don't think im kidding either. I'll make your life hell."

Embrey gave a sharp nod. He looks at me as he replies to him.

"trust me that's the last thing I wish to do. Ill treat him right"

"you better. Emily says foods ready and to come eat"

With that he turns and walks back in. probably to get to the food first. I remember he eats like a starved man. Embrey reaches down and takes my hand in his pulling me into the house. It was all so stressful I didn't really meet Emily or the other pack member. So, when I walked in I was greeted with a small petite native woman wrapping her arms around me in a hug I could only describe as motherly. I got a better look at her when we parted and she held me at arm's length. She was young and had the trade mark tanned skin and dark almost black hair. But what was most noticeable was the three diagonal claw marks running down the side of her face. but even with the scares she still held her beauty. I kept eye contact so it doesn't look like I was being rude and staring.

"hello victor I'm Emily. Sam's fiancé and imprint. Are you hungry. Because there is plenty there."

I look at the large amount of food spread out on the table. It all looks delicious and smells even better. I nod my head and give her a soft smile. We all sit down and dig in. I didn't realise how hungry I was until now. Sam is a lucky guy. Emily's food is amazing.


sorry about the late update.

its a short chapter and thanks for reading my story. ill try to update more often.

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